BBC Breathing Places Newsletter

Feb 07, 2007 22:37

February 2007

Welcome to the Breathing Places campaign! We hope this newsletter gives you all the inspiration, practical help and advice you need to create and care for green spaces where you live. Each month we will give you ideas on how to get started as well as support to keep going.

Remember small actions can lead to big changes.

Nest Box Challenge

Give a bird a home by taking the Nest Box Challenge this month. Put up a nest box and register it with the British Trust for Ornithology, or come along to a BBC Local Radio event and build your own.

Nature's Calendar Nest Box Special

Don't forget to watch Chris Packham building his nest box on a Nature's Calendar special on BBC Two, Monday 12 Feb at 7pm.

Tree Seeds

Did you gather tree seeds in the autumn and plant them? Find out how they should be progressing with the Woodland Trust.


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