May 10, 2011 14:21
Yay my first entry! Well I decided to start a LJ cause i am now a stay at home wife and soon to be stay at home wife and mom :) We are expecting a baby girl in July and I am starting to get nervous, not about being a parent but about how i care for her belly button, am i going to have to stay awake all night to make sure shes breathing, did i get the right type of bottles (natures choice) I'm sure these are typical things to worry about and I've been reading up on how to do the things i need to do, but there's a difference between reading and doing...
We just moved from so cal about 2 weeks ago to WA state and I know no one except a few members of my husbands family who live about 20 min. away from me, I don't mind being by myself most of the time, I like being by myself to clean and cook and such. I like having my husband John come home to a clean house and a homemade dinner (tonight is chicken enchiladas), speaking of which, I will also be posting recipes i try out once in a while :)
I'm just excited to be starting a new chapter in my life and share my experiences with whoever cares to read about them.