Jun 07, 2006 21:13
I now have Internet again. I'm counting the days it will take for it to be taken away. I'm trying to think optimistically, but you know... you know...
Anywho... Bro lives with us now. He got caught with drugs by Grandma. We all knew he was doing them; it was just a matter of time before we found them. I try to stay out of the house as much s I can. Every time I stay there more than a few hours, we get into it. Of course it's all petty stuff, but the boy won't admit he's wrong... ever and it gets on my nerves, so I try to stay away from him. He's going to stay until he's 18, only one year to go.
Jenn and I have been hanging out a lot lately. We went to the mall today and spent a bunch of money. It was fun. I got a cute little cowgirl shirt. I love it. It's all flannel and stuffs. Oh, speaking of which, I leave for New Jersey on the 8th of August. I'll be staying there for about a week and a half. Jenn's parents bought me a plane ticket and everything. I'm really pumped about it. She says that we will have to make a trip out to New York! AH! I'll be sure to take a bunch of pictures.
My UWF orientation will be on the 15th and 16th. Blah. On the other hand once that is done, everything for college should be taken care of. Yay! ... wait... I still need to do Financial Aid poop. I don't know all of my Mom's Tax stuffs. Ahhhwwwelll. One of these days it will be done with.
I'm reading a fun series right now called Naruto. It's about ninjas and whatnot. I have up to VOL. 10. The next one doesn't come out until September. ;>.<; Guess I will have to wait... until then I will play some hardcore video games. YAH! I'm such a nerd...
My job at Socio's is going pretty well. Tips stink but... eh. What can you do? I'm looking but that's bout it. I know my job there so I don't really want to leave it. I hate having to try adjust to a new job... hmmmm we will see.
I went to Tommy's house yesterday. Jenn and I were listening to Tim and Tommy play. That was fun. I enjoy listening to people play musical instrument... ahhh I wish I could play... oh well ^.6 .
Well... I must stop for today. Hand cramping and all...