
Feb 23, 2009 12:12

Good news and sort of anxious news!!

For starters, I GOT ANOTHER JOB.  I didn't want to post anything until I was absolutely sure, and now that I've been hired at STAPLES I can stop hyperventilating about what I'm going to do.  I want to try and stay with Circuit City until the end though, although the liquidation is depressing I'm going to miss the people more than anything -- and earning two-job income should come in handy to get all settled into my new place that I move into in two weeks!

Also, on Saturday night Keith had this date-night planned out.  He had it planned for the week before Valentine's Day, but I had to cancel on him to go to that Rivercats job fair (of which I got the rejection letter in the mail the same day I got hired at Staples...still, damn).  Then last week we were not only broke, but it was Valentine's Day and we KNEW wherever we went it would be packed (so instead we did the heart shaped pizza, which was an amazing idea).

So Keith took me to Paul Martin's American Bistro in Roseville, which we had never been to -- but I guess two months ago I said something in passing about wanting to try it?  I didn't remember that, so I took Keith's word for it, but in any case I love trying new restaurants so I was pleased to begin with.  Another thing that I loved/appreciated was that Keith and Luke were out shopping all day on Saturday before the date...and it was because Luke was "cleaning Keith up" as I said.  Keith is prone to wearing the same old, Walmart button ups over an old gaming tee shirt from Gamestop as promotional items with the same pair of ripped up faded jeans.  But Luke and him went and got new, dark jeans and a sweater that he layered over a collared tee was pretty impressive (mostly because when you're used to the same outfit again and again, ANYTHING becomes impressive).

So we had this amazing food, which it's all fresh and seasonal...they list all of the farms the proteins come from, and where the vegetables come from, etc.  I wanted fish, but I caved in to having steak instead.  Not only that, but I drank this amazing red syrah I felt pretty fancy, haha.

So it was a wonderful date, and with it all Keith asked me back out again...and I said yes.  I'm no longer single, I guess, but it's still going to be hard living an hour away from each other, not being able to hang out at work or anything.

In related "anxiety" news, I've been hearing a ton of people have been getting accepted at Sacramento State -- and that's not bad, I'm just wondering why I HAVEN'T been accepted.  Literally after I read Cristina's blog about how she was admitted, someone behind me in the computer lab said that they were just accepted, too.  And we ran into one of Keith's friends a week ago who was, as well.  So I'm wondering if, by not doing the EOP application, I ruined my chances at getting in to CSUS for Fall 2009?  I determined that even if I have to wait until Spring 2010 it won't kill me, but I would still love to go in the Fall.  I don't want to take a semester off, I want to just BE there!

Either way, I have good news and not so much bad news at the moment...which is much better than the opposite effect that I was having about a month ago.
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