Oct 04, 2004 15:18
I have never been so sick in my life -- it's funny how so much booze can make you feel sooooo good, and then like, an hour later, sooooo sick. I thought hangovers were supposed to be headaches and senstivity to light, not random acts of vomiting?! So, yeah, THAT was fun...vomiting is a very disgusting act -- the noises one emits are quite perturbing.
On a happier note, I am now more than half-way through season 3 of Alias, after a long marathon this weekend with Lil in Sackville -- yes indeedy, g-times. I like going to other universities, where I am cooler. Don't ask me how, but I am cooler at different places -- here, not cool -- there, super cool. Why? More confidence in an unfamiliar setting? More comfortable here, therefore less likely to exert myself?
My first philosophy paper is due in a week -- I haven't started it yet (but honestly, what else is new)...and I don't seriously know how to go about doing it. I have sooo many things due on Tuesday, and Neal's coming to visit this weekend. Here is what I have to do for Tuesday:
1. Marine Diversity formal lab report from the field trip -- analysing data that I have no clue how to interpret.
2. Midterm in climate change -- reading about 9 chapters in a text that I've only read 3 in...
3. Philosohpy paper: 750 words on "Do non-human living entities warrant moral consideration." -- I figure once I get started, it shouldn't be a problem
But folks, tonight is the night of crackin down on the work situation. I'm hopin...going to East Side's for dinner with tha floor, which should be fun, then returning videos to Blockbuster to pay extravagant late fees, which I am not going to enjoy -- should have just bought the dvd's -- it'll end up being cheaper...because the late fees alone are going to run me about 50 bucks...how crazy is THAT....ok, so class now -- discussing animal rights -- that's what we've been talking about since the start, which I guess is good, because I have a lot of material to choose from for my paper.
I want to try and update this journal every once in a while. I know not a lot of people read it, but I enjoy adding to it.