Hello, my name is Kat, and I'm addicted to eBay.
Now, I have had an eBay account since last summer, but didn't actually buy anything until second term of school this year. How much control do I have?! Anyway, so things were going okay -- the Moxy Fruvous indy tape, a Hot Hot Heat 7", two LP's for my daddy's b-day, and then came the real cracker! I get a hint from a friend's mommy, you know who you are, that hey! You can get a great deal on italian charms on eBay......hmmm...this is interesting.....so, there goes Kat -- buyin' charms out the wazoo! I've gotten 3 so far, and another two are on their way. Then, I get into a stupid parking lot incident and now I'm bidding on a right turn signal for my car (at a very good deal, I must say). I also bought another HHH record, swarovski rhinestones to make a shirt that says "Material Girl" for when I go see Madonna in July, and am bidding on something for my brother's birthday....there goes ALL the summer job money...not to mention I got a membership at a gym AND joined an online DVD rental thing (which has been really good so far
So, apparently I am a junk whore....just sitting around, magnetically attracting ways to spend money...it's beautiful really.....I am SO high maintenance....watch out whoever ends up with me, you'd better have a way of getting money, because I just LOVE to spend it....not really, because it makes me feel guilty....guilt sucks.
P.S. I have not done anything cool with photoshop recently....I think it's because I have better access to a tv.....when tv is there, Kat no likey sit in front of the computer playing with photoshop....OMG I just got season 2 of W&G on DVD and noticed that there is an episode (the episode where Jack and Rosario's marriage is being reviewed by INS) that Peter Paige (a.k.a. Emmit from QAF) is in, playing the INS agent. How humdingy is that?!
I want pillows, lots of pretty shiny gold and pink pillows, and furniture that fits in my room......tres romantique......sets the mood for...for NOTHING! Oh well, such is life.
Going to a Pride baseball game tomorrow night (should be quite interesting -- I'm expecting a majority female crowd)..and another Blue Jays game on Sat....then going to see Fahrenheit 9/11 Sat. night with the bro....will post a review.