Jul 12, 2007 21:28
A few random things:
Take that, asshole blackmailers.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Only the strong survive in TKS. :)
This is taken from Em's facebook message telling us all about Amy's package from all of us that she sent out yesterday: "I was even able to sneak in a squirrel stuffed animal... i figured if anything would cheer Amy up... it would be nibbles....Well anyways... what's new with the people not covering the nations headlines. i need a new topic in my life."
Haha. Don't we all.
At least the photo with me in it got cropped. (Thank GOD.) Cause that being plastered in ridiculous magazines like the National Enquirer or something else of that idiotic caliber would have just been fantastic. (Sarcasm.) I had serious nightmares about it last night. Although, I do admit, it wouldn't have been all that bad if Adam Brody would have seen me. You know... on that one zillionth chance he'd pick up some random newspaper or magazine and my picture would have been there. But other than that, I was in complete freak out mode.
But. Right. The pictures were released on the "Today" show today and then later the pageant officials made a statement saying that she would remain Miss New Jersey. So now, we're just waiting to find out who this jackass blackmailer is...
I realized today that my office is kind of funny. There were these two guys having an argument (though, that might be too strong of a word - it was more like a disagreement) about global warming/ozone layer/HFCs vs. HCs. And they were having this talk right near my desk which was slightly annoying seeing as I had a lot of reading to do since I was in NYC for awhile. Anyway - they're discussing this and then finally one of the guys throws his hands up in the air and then looks over at me, pointing, stating - rather loudly - "If you learn nothing else here, learn this: Ozone is good up high, but bad nearby!" And he said it in such a singsong kind of way that just cracked up.
These office antics sure do cheer me up in these stressful times.
Melissa has gotten me side-tracked with a book that she declares is "my life." So, of course, since I wanted to get my mind off of other aforementioned topics, I decided to give it a try.
My. GOD.
"Jake, I don't want this. And, just so you know, it's not your schedule, or your team, even Joss. I could acclimate to all of it - eventually. It's you, Jake - who you are. Who you grew up to be. Or more precisely, didn't... I'm so thankful we did this, because now I can admit to myself that some part of me will always be a little in love with you, the seventeen-year-old you. Who you were. And that's okay."
It is okay.
More than okay.
Better than okay.
I'm glad Melissa found me this book. Cause it is - correction: was - my life. A lot of it. And I've cried many tears throughout this reading of it. Basically because - more than anything - it gave me the closure I was looking for. The closure I never really got. The closure I still sometimes wistfully wish for whenever I'm heading back to Manchester.
It's helped.
And hopefully this August 12th I won't even realize it's August 12th and I'll just go about as if it were any other day.
If this book is any indication, I should be pretty well off on that date.
And they say life imitates art.
Enough with the random thoughts. I need to go to sleep.