Nov 09, 2011 17:07
You know sometimes, there is too much computers and media and social networks, so I took a break. I know no fanfic for 6 months??
It was good. I got alot done, learned alot of things that require not sitting in front of a PC or phone. Got much better at fire fan and fire poi, put my leather craft into an HRC fashion show, reorganized my 16+ 66 gallon and tons of smaller bins of fabric, leather, bits, feathers, parts and the like, read real books about D/s, shibari and other kinky loveliness, (oh yes my knotwork skills are through the roof), spent alot of time with my two bellydance troupes on what turned out to be two sets of fantastic pieces of choreo, took on more burlesque gigs, and started to really create costumes for specific pieces and not just mish mash what I had a round. I'm so non commital when it comes to burlesque costuming for some reason. Overall, there was just some comitment that had to be made to not being in front of a computer. It was fucking spring and summer for Chreiss sake. I'm happy with that decision.
And now to catch up on stories I haven't read in a while and start new ones. It's kinda like when I first discovered fanfic all over again. I can read multiple chapters in a row and just emerse my self in a story. I still totally love my Kakairu, I knew that would never change break or not. I just discovered the name to one of my favorite DJ artists, Suzume Rider. Gotta stock up on her, now that I know her name.
So to my Kakairu LJ family, hello again.
Spiffy Kinns
aka Mae the Bellydancer
i'm back,