Jan 29, 2005 01:52
So i had all this stuff i was goi ng to write about but in the moment of logging into this thing i forgot and really cant remember. Ive been Muy stressed out latly and its driving me crazy. rehersal yesterday or thursday was fun laughed harder then i have laughed in a long time....felt good to laugh for real. came home and my computer freaked out on me and wouldnt turn off so i got mad and like was screamin at it ....like that was going to help.lol. but this morning was the topper of the stress and thoughts and everything! got up early to return a brace my mom bought me that was for the wrong hand and i needed gass so i didnt warm my car up very long. well i stoped to get gas put like 10 $ and then got back in the car. well what do you know my stupid car wou ldnt start...i started freaking out and was cry wh ile trying to attempt to start it. no luck so i called my dad to come get me and he ttok like 20 mins to get there and im freezeing in my car lol. well he jum ped it and it started fine and i left for school. by the time i got to school i wasnt cryin anymore bvut my facec was still red and so were my eyes . idk today was just not very good. i had drama practice after school which i really dont injoy gymnastics really wore me out and my wrist was killing me! i really wanted to go home i took kayla home and then sat at the house for a while. i picked up christina and we went to the game so i cou ld sing and who calls me none other but allison who says shes at the game with lauren and sam lol!! i was like ahhh cuz they soo didnt tell me they were coming lol. it was fun we sat and watched the game till half time then me and christina left. i went and got my brace which helps alot ive been wearing it and i already feel better lol. well now im at christinas and we really arent doing anything been sitting around going across the street nothing to exciting . i dont have plans tomorrow but i think im going to be cleaning most the day and helping my dad out to earn some money...cuz im a poor kid with no job lol. but idk i have rehsersal sunday and thats going to be till like 5:45 which kinda sucks but whatever Later Dayz