What I am doing.

Jan 18, 2009 14:25

I am watching Dr. Who because if I don't finish this disc I will feel bad for keeping it so long and loosing money on Netflix. I am slowly going through the show from 2005 on. In between movies.

The Dr. and Captain Jack are going to die except you know they are totally not.

I am making a shopping list because, while I am not out of food, I am out of food a feel like eating/preparing. Also, I miss milk. I feel kinda bad using a sharpie (extra fine point) to write my list on paper. I have this inherent idea that it is a waste to use a sharpie when a ball point will do.

I also feel bad when I've discovered that I kept a marker so long, it will not write simply because it is old, not because it ran out of ink. Wasteful! I have some markers going that way. I keep meaning to break out a sketch pad and go to town with the markers in their final moments. I want to validate their existence.

I feel silly, though, for sitting down with markers when there are dishes to be done and an apartment to clean. THERE ARE ALWAYS DISHES.

After I finish Dr. Who, I have a anime box set a friend let me borrow to watch. Then I need to watch the first season of Heros that I borrowed. I have so much to watch, but that should all take 2nd place to the Real Work I need to do. But I'm probably going to procrastinate anyway instead, so I might as well watch DVDs.

This is a common moral dilemma for me.
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