Aug 09, 2005 17:21
hey all my faithful followers!! i mean...*ahem*...hey guys.
today was, felly and jojo went to see the dukes of hazzard (again) with daddy today...i was SO happy he came...honestly, i wasn't sure he would. but we saw it for the second time in three days!! that was my fourth movie since friday...this is getting pathetic. lol! it was good (again), but it seemed a lot shorter this time. there were these LOSER boys sitting in the back of the theater...four little pre-teen jerks. they kept yelling really loud and throwing one point i ended up with a piece of chewed candy in my hair. i thought felly was gonna kill 'em.
ok, so...i started typing my story today. about one sentence into it, i gave up and opened AIM. i can't keep myself away from it!! lol...what am i gonna do the first quarter back to school when i'm restricted to weekends only again???? gaah!!
hmm...i was just coloring with felly, jojo and beth...i heart coloring!! (oh, marcos, you can come color with us now. lol) yeah. pretty fun times. trey and jace are playing the PS2...scooby doo. it's insane how good he is at this. lol...
ok, so i guess that's it for now. except i saw my FAVORITE episode of family guy last night, the one w/ the nudists and when stewie goes to acting school. i flipping LOVE that episode. i fell asleep early last night,, 1130pm. it was nuts. my finger's still throbbing because the flipping cat pounced on me, 'cuz she was still looking for the bug...
OMG!! THE BUG!! i didn't tell you people about the wasn't even a bug. it was a hell-demon. it was big and thick and black, and it buzzed and swooped at our, felly, jojo, trey and jace all hid in the stairway...vava killed it. then jace came down and told her "you're a good killer!" it was funny, lol.
ok, well i guess i'm gonna go, this is my longest *actual* entry in quite a while!! ok, laterness people...
love to all my friends
*espically* felly and marcos (lol guys)
these boots are made for walkin'
and that's just what they'll do
one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
"i'm never gonna leave this car again. i'm gonna live in it, eat in it, make sweet love to it..."
"don't you mean make sweet love IN it?"
"no, i'm gonna have sex with it!!"
^luke and bo duke, The Dukes of Hazzard^^