BEDA #30 - the end of BEDA

Apr 30, 2009 19:48

Today was not a great day. It's rainy and grey outside, and I have bad cramps. Also, I couldn't really concentrate on studying for my exam tomorrow morning. I am so ready for it to be over, I really need a break. I feel so worn out and tired of school right now. Of course, in about a month I'm going to get all bored and antsy and won't be able to wait for it to start again. I guess I'm just never happy with what I have...

I did a little iTunes spring-cleaning today, deleting stuff I don't like or have no interest in ever listening to again. A lot of the stuff I got rid of I don't even know how I got in the first place. It felt good, de-cluttering my music. I'm also in the process of adding more stuff that I do like, including some Beatles stuff I don't have (shocking, I know). It's mostly singles and B-sides that I don't have, since we have all the studio albums on CD. I'm also adding some No Doubt albums I don't have, since I got a free download of their discography with the purchase of my ticket for their show here in June. I need to do some actual spring cleaning of my room, but that's going to have to wait until I'm feeling better.

I'm currently in the process of reading Catch-22 and Suite Scarlett. The former is part of my attempt to read classic novels, and the latter is a young-adult book that I am loving, despite being "too old" for it. After I finish these, I have pile of other books waiting to be read. I'm so looking forward to reading on my new balcony this summer! I'm so glad I started reading again. When I started university I kind of let it fall by the wayside, despite it being one of my favourite things to do. That transition from high school to university was tough, and I stopped reading for enjoyment, which is sad. After first year, I realized I hadn't read a book all year, and I started to fix that. It took a little while to get myself back on track, but I did, and I am once again an avid reader.

Well, this is my final BEDA post. I didn't quite blog every day in April, but I did post 26 times, which is a lot better than the 3 times I did in March. I think this project has gotten me back into the blogging spirit. I just checked, and I'll have had this blog for 5 years in July. That's crazy to me, cause I remember so well when I started it. I didn't even want to really, but Marcela and Vlada both had livejournals, and I felt left out. So I made this account, and I've been here ever since.

I'll be posting again soon, I promise, I need a few days break though.
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