Apr 11, 2005 12:07
Alright well here goes my Post-Spring Break update. Get ready for a long one. :-)
Sunday: Me and Chris get on the road around 11:30 after forgetting many things at both our houses (including all of our groceries)! The trip there is pretty uneventful until we hit I-76 and then I suddenly recognized where we were, which was right around my Grandparents house. And apparently I dont know my way around Marion that well....
Chris: "Do you know where we are Lee?"
Me: "Yeah sure......maybe.......okay no I'm lost."
Well we finally made our way to my grandparents house which was great because I really had to use the bathroom around that time. We did our meets and greets and got the heck outta there and got back on the road. 30 minutes and 45 miles later were passing through downtown Conway on a 35 mph road......needless to say I'm not doing 35.....so I got pulled over for doing 55 in a 35, which would have been really bad had he not given me 'too fast for conditions' which is a lesser charge.
Anyways we finally get there around 4:15 and meet my Mom and my Sister in the room (605 Sandcastle) which they had already checked in for us. Then we all had fun lugging our stuff up to the room.
An hour later my Mom and Sister have left and me and Chris are trying to think of stuff to do. Its a nice day outside so we decide to check out the beach....yeah, not a good idea if you dont have sunscreen. Anyways, I got sunburn underneath my eyes on the first fucking day. ARRGHH!
That night we went out to Hooters for supper and what do you know...our waitress was from Spartanburg! She went to Spartan High and her name is Amy...so if anyone is down in Myrtle Beach and is at the Hooters give her some props.
Monday: Haha, fun day. Chris had this great idea to get up at 6:00 in the morning and go run the beach....so at 6 a.m. I hear the alarm go off and Chris get up. An hour later I turn over and see Chris laying crossways on his bed dead asleep. So much for running.... Later we get up and make some sammiches for breakfast and decided to go out on the beach, but first we had to get some sunscreen. So we go to one of the numerous stores around there and got some. So we played soccer and layed out on the beach for the next few hours. Then we went out to eat somewhere..... I dont remember where.
Coming home from dinner we drove by the Freaky Tiki, which is a club on Ocean Boulevard, and we decided to go in. So we dropped the car off at the hotel and walked to the club. On the way there I got a cat call from some old lady in an SUV which was really wierd...Chris laughed at me....... So we get to the club and I'm really nervous because I'm 17 and Chris is 18... and of course the club is 18 and over. So I go up to the guy and show him my ID and he says "Both hands" and he put a stamp on my hands that showed that I couldnt get drinks. So I guess he just checked years and not months, because I turn 18 september this year. So me and Chris walked around for the first few minutes feeling stupid. I learned something though, at least in this club they had a guy that was in the bathroom giving out condoms, gum, mints, Cologne, mouthwash, and Axe for just tips. Yeah, fuckin' sweet huh? Anyways after we got all that neat stuff I went back out to the dance floor and asked Kristina to dance (I didnt know her at the time). We danced for a little bit, then we got her friends to come out a dance too, which was fun as sheeiit... then Chris came over and danced with Quyen. We had so much fun. Then we decided to get outta there and go back to the hotel... so were walking back to their Explorer and it ends up not being there.... Yeah, Katy looked scared shitless. Not that I wouldn't be too. She had parked in a restricted spot so it got towed. Then we went on an hour long search for the impound lot and it turned we had passed right by it but we didnt see it... Anyways the towing fee was $95, and Kristina, being the good friend she is, footed the bill for Katy until she could pay her back. Our trip was good for one thing though. I got to learn a lot about Kristina. She's been to like 8 different countries, and 30 different US states....mmhmm, she's a well travelled lady :-)
So we get the Katy's explorer back and we headed back to the Red Roof Inn where they were staying, we ended up drinking a bit and headed out around 4 am. Whew.... long, but great, day.
Tuesday: We woke up really early today. We decided we'd get an early start on the beach and get a good tan. So I called Kristina around 10:00 and got her voicemail. She ended up calling me back around 10 minutes later and we made plans to meet on the beach. Me and Chris went down there about an hour before they got there and we played frisbee, which is actually incredibly fun on the beach.
Chris: "Dive for that shit Lee!"
Me: "No I'll get sand on me!"
So they got there and we layed down to get a tan, which for guys gets really old really fast. So me and Chris got up and played frisbee some more with Brandon. That was fun, because we brough the Ipod and Portable speakers down there to listen to. They had to leave around 2:30 though because their meter was running out so me and Chris gathered up everything on the beach and brough it back up to the room. We got a shower and started getting ready to go out to eat. That night we went to Dick's Last Resort, which was great fun I thought. Chris didnt share my sentiments. Lemme give you an idea of what they do at Dick's. Its supposed to be a fun restraunt....they make hats for you out of shipping paper and write funny crap on it. Here's a rundown of all the hats we got.
Chris: I shave my boys so they feel good on his chin (arrow pointing to Brandon)
Brandon: At lease mine looks big in a midget's hand
Quyen: dont remember...sorry
Kristina: Lousy lay (arrow pointing to me)
Me: When I fart it smells like vaseline
Katy: I came here just for dick (or something like that)
All in all it was a very fun experience. I comtemplated buying a T-shirt but decided against it because I always spend too much money on those anyway. After that we left and listened to the Booty Mix in Katy's explorer on the way back to the hotel (SORRY! I dont know the words :-D ). Then we got to the hotel and I started drinking right away. I was so wasted Chris and Kristina wouldn't let me have any more drinks! lol, it was really fun though. Kristina ended up putting on my 1 up shirt. We all got so many extra lives that night. Rawk! Then we wrote on Kristina's stomach, which was great fun, and sometime during the night apparently I had a giant penis drawn on my back....that was really wierd when I found it in the morning..... Then they had to leave around 5 in the morning to get some sleep... Man what a fun day. That was insane! *smack* extra life!
Bell's about to ring, I'll finish this tonight. Later!