hello everyone...
been a while since i post. i find that livejournal is too cumbersome to remember... even though i can more readily fall behind it ideologically over the despised fox owned myspace (that sexually transmitted disease of the internet) or the now partially microsoft owned facebook *shudder*.
anywho... i am moving to orlando, florida!! and i think i'm abandoning livejournal... :(
instead, i'll be on a uniform
blog where i talk of my adventures. i heart livejournal, but i also mock it too much to seriously blog here... so instead of chugging the hatorade on it and then blogging on here like a cheating sonuvabitch, i'm just dropping her. (sorry babe).
for those curious... i'm leaving humboldt for a girly i have fallen in love with. yes, she's worth completely rearranging my life for. plus, i need some adventure, yo.
anywho... i love y'all! please follow my blog! once i get to orlando, i'll be killing this account. no need to clutter up the internets with random accounts i no longer use anyway.
adieu, adieu, parting is such sweet sorrow!
~jaunty john t.