Last weekend. Was. Amazing!!!
Details? Oh, sure. You know I can't resist giving a hyper-detailed account of everything I ever do. :)
After I got off work, I rushed home to fix my hair, pack, etc. before heading to central IN. I left a little later than planned, so I thought I would be late, but I actually ended up getting to the coffeehouse RIGHT at 7pm. We all (myself, Gregor, Shawn, Lauren, Isha, Doug, Ian, Alex, Andrew?, and Shane) got things to drink (I got a yumtastic strawberry smoothie. Mmmmm.) and then headed for the canal.
I took crazy massive amounts of pictures, as per usual. But seriously, more so than usual. So I guess I kind of just lied.
We spent a good amount of time just walking along the canal and taking random pictures. Good times were had by all parties involved.
Awwww, look at us. Such a cute oversized similarly-aged family. :)
Along the way we picked up a hitchhiker by the name of Sheryl, and met a new guy named Snake. No, really. I speak the truth.
After we reached the end of our canal journeying, and the lights had gone down in the city, and the sun shone on the bay (am I mixing songs, or is that the same one?), we headed downtown (we were already downtown, but I mean to the TALL BUILDINGS part of downtown), as Lauren and I gave stunning renditions of Tom Jones songs, to a sports bar-ish restaurant (I forget the name) for dinner. I don't even remember what I had. Fish & chips, maybe? Yeah, I think so. And a pina colada. Because I've said it before and I'll say it again... I love being a turt... wait. That's not it. :) I like pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain!
Lauren and I actually did wish to get caught in the rain, too. Because it was CRAZY HOT OUTSIDE. Unbearably so. Except we did bear it. So I suppose I just lied again. In any case, we had been super excited to get inside to the A/C, only to be placed outside to sweat once more.
Some things you DESPERATELY NEED to know about our time at the restaurant:
1. I apparently smelled bad, because Gregor moved to sit somewhere farther away from me.
2. Shawn apparently likes being near people who smell bad, because he came to sit closer to me.
3. Lauren was my hott date. And she threw food at me. But that's OK, because I didn't pay for her.
4. I did NOT have my picture taken with the waiter.
After eating, and sitting and goofing off for a while, we parted ways to walk back to our respective vehicular transports. And I took some more pictures, almost getting separated from the group on a few occasions.
When we finally reached the coffeehouse, I got me some fun Gregor and Ian hugs, directions out of town, and some money from the boys for my "services" (a $5 from Ian, and a $10 from Gregor (I think I'll let this go unexplained ::wink wink::)), I got in my car and drove to Trav's grandma's house, where I stayed up talking with people on Trav's grandma's computer before going to bed.
Woke up around 8:30am, unable to fall back asleep. Lay in bed for a while, looking through the pictures I had taken at the canal. I then discovered that Alex had posted his pictures on Flickr, so I looked through those and commented about 50 billion times. Trav's grandma made us brunch, so we had bacon and potatoes and eggs and little muffins and mmmmm it was good. I then proceeded to sit around on the internet again, and eventually started getting ready. It turned out that the clock I had been looking at was wrong, and I was running behind by an hour. Great! So I rushed to get ready.
After I finally got ready and was heading out the door, and Trav decided not to come with, my phone rang. Twas Gregor.
The original plan had been for me to go to the IMA at 5pm, stake out a spot in line, buy our three tickets (myself, Gregor, and Ian), and get a place to sit until they arrived (Gregor with my chair; I was prepared to sit on the ground until he showed up :). Well, Gregor called to discuss our arrangements, as the weather looked as though it would drop a heavy load (take this phrase as you will. it might mean rain? or... not? haha) on my fun. He decided to call the IMA to see if they were canceling first. I stopped rushing around, basically giving up on my fun Grease at the IMA plans that I had been looking forward to for months. Talked to Trav about some things while I waited for Gregor to call back. After a bit he did, and said they weren't canceling, but that his vote was to just give up on that and watch the DVD (I brought it with me in case this happened) at his house.
Silver linings: I didn't have to rush to get there, because we decided to meet up around 7pm instead of my previously planned-on 5pm; no worrying about weather; no having to stop somewhere to get food to take along.
Anyway, I agreed to this, hoping that it would storm like mad to justify this change in plans.
Then Trav decided to go along with me, and to bring his cousin Kody, who was staying with him. After a bit of discussion, and my once again realizing that the clock I was looking at was off by an hour, we decided to leave and get Arby's for dinner on the way. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I got a text message from Gregor saying that he still had Kung Pow, and that we could make it a double feature if anyone was up for it. I quickly texted back, "Yes! :)" Because you honestly can't go wrong with a little Kung Pow action. With Kung Pow all things are right with the world. And if I'm forced to give up the atmosphere of the IMA, Kung Pow is probably a pretty surefire way to cheer me back up. "That tiny net was surefire!" "Yes, a tiny net is a death sentence. It's a net, and it's tiny." Nice thinking on that one, Gregor. Even if it was probably just to bribe me not to be mad at you if it didn't rain. :)
We rounded up Kody and went to Arby's, where I took part in consumption of a majestically delicious beef n' cheddar and curly fries. Mmmmmmm. Then, I took Kody back to change his pants (I think this is also best left unexplained... hahaha) and we headed for Indy. On the way, some drama happened, and I basically just ignored it. Because it was silly. And I have better things to do! Yeah, I said it.
As we drove, I noticed that the sky was clear. But as we drove, it got darker, and darker, and cemented our change of plans as a good decision.
So as we drove closer to the city, and the sky got nastier and the wind grew windier, I started to get scared that we were out there. Then, a tornado siren went off wherever we were. Scary!! I also had to pee. TMI, maybe, but it's relevant! Because I didn't know a fast way to get to Gregor's. So I feared that we would die in a vicious tornado, or that I would pee my pants.
Thankfully, neither happened. We got there just ahead of the horribly nasty-looking clouds that were looming to the west, and made it into the safe haven that is Gregor's house. Yay, Gregor to the rescue!
Then we explained to everyone how awful it looked outside, and they proceeded to run out into the driveway to have a look. Gregor and I high-fived over the decision to move our plans to his house, and then we went back inside. Doug(las MacArthur) showed up at some point, and then we settled in to watch Grease. Gregor, Doug, and Isha had never seen Grease before, and I think they were all highly entertained. As I knew they would be. Well, maybe not all of them, but I knew Gregor would be. Even though he always doubts me! And forgets that he always likes these silly movies/musicals that I tell him to watch. Maybe next time he'll remember. (Doubt it.)
After that, I voted very strongly that we watch Kung Pow. And we did. Ahhh, so obedient.
At some point in here, Trav and Kody left with the drama queen. And I was kind of glad, in a way. Because the drama was over and I could fully enjoy my night, and Trav's leaving meant I didn't have to leave early to get him home. And that ended up being awesomely great. No offense, Trav. haha
So anyway, I got my usual Kung Pow full-body workout. I laughed my bajinkies off. Twice. Possibly three or four times. I'm not sure. I forgot to measure my bajinkies before watching the movie, so I couldn't compare their pre-viewing and post-viewing sizes.
No, I have no idea what my bajinkies are. All I know is that they basically are nonexistent, because I've laughed them off many-a time.
After we all laughed our bajinkies to smithereens, we watched some YouTube videos and goofed off as only we can. Naked Time was mentioned, and Gregor ended up looking up our conversation log of when we talked about his nakedness, and he read it out loud. Hilarious!! Isha threw a cup in the air, and it hit her in the head:
And then what was left of us (me, Gregor, Isha, Ian, Alex) hopped in Ian's car and rode to Denny's, circa 12:30 or 1am. Gregor rode in the backseat with us ...ladies:
We danced to electronic dance music. Gregor did the sprinkler, and I joined in with the boxing-your-face dance. I don't remember if Isha joined in with any similarly AWESOME moves.
At Denny's, we talked about inappropriate things quite loudly, which caused some of us to be embarrassed and some others of us to laugh really hard (Hmm, any guesses as to who the latter was?).
Actually, we basically talked about really inappropriate things throughout the entire weekend. It was hysterical. And I'm pretty sure twss was used at least 30,898,239 times. At LEAST. ("The very least." - Rizzo, on Grease)
When we finally tired of our late-night hysteria, we loaded back into the car and went back to Gregor's, where we parted ways with beaucoup de HUGGY HUGS. I love huggy hugs. YAY for huggy hugs!!! And may there be many more huggy hugs in the days to come. :)
By this point it was after 2am, so...
I drove back to Trav's grandma's and got online for a few minutes before crashing.
I of course was unable to sleep in, so I got up around 8:30 or 9am. Woke up to a crazy storm going on outside the huge window by where I was sleeping. It was nutty. And I was 99.93% sure we wouldn't be able to go to the drive-in.
I got showered/dressed/beautified and such, and then Trav helped me carry my packed-up belongings through the rain to my car. I drove to Castleton, where I met up with Susan at Johnny Rockets, my new favorite. Well, maybe not favorite, but it's up there. We took some awesome pictures, as you can see on my Facebook account, under the Part 4 album. I don't feel like putting any more in here. Sowwy, Charlie!
After lunch, we went to the mall, where I bought a cute new shirt at Lane Bryant and she bought a new shirt at Tall Girl. At some point during the shopping, I checked my phone and saw that I had a voicemail from Gregor. Which was like 30 minutes long. No joke!!!! Alright, so maybe it is a joke. It was kind of long, though. And detailed. And mumbly. It made me laugh. Basically the jist was that he thought the weather would be fine for the drive-in (by this time, the rain/storming had basically stopped completely). So I called him back and okay-ed these plans, before basically inviting myself over to his house. I had nothing to do, though! Susan had to go help her roommates with something, and I had nowhere to go. So he let me come over, and we watched The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, which I hadn't seen in ages, followed by my choice of Anchorman. Because Anchorman is awesome.
Then Gregor decided he wanted to go to Wal-Mart, so I drove him. On the way, an evil mosquito flew around my car, taunting us with its evasive maneuvering. Gregor leapt at the window in a full-on attack, and it just "sauntered" (if it walked, it would'vd been sauntering, I TELL you.) over to my side of the car, where I joined in on the attempted slaughter. It just flew back to Gregor's side, where he tried another onslaught of window-smacks. No luck. BUT... then the idiot thing flew over to my side window, and I smashed his guts all over the place. Bye bye, evil pest. We will NOT meet again.
Except maybe when I clean your guts off of my window.
Then we went to Wal-Mart, where he bought snackages for the drive-in, and I talked to Myssi on the phone about how she wasn't coming. And then we were walking by some stuff on the main aisle and I decided on a whim to buy some chips, because they were what I saw and they were easy to grab. Threw them in the cart. Then we walked by some SQUEEZ-ITS. (Yes, I'm aware they aren't actual Squeez-Its. Shut up.) And I touched them longingly, declaring my undying love for their awesomeness. Or maybe I just said that I used to drink them as a kid. Gregor made a comment that if I bought them, people would probably drink them. So I rushed back and bought two; one fruit punch, and one grape. Mmmm, grape.
Then we checked out. Something funny happened there... OH. It was one of those express lanes, and he put all his stuff up on the counter and I had already started getting my stuff out, so I ended up holding it all in my arms. The cashier laughed at me and told me to slide his stuff over and put mine down. Silly me.
And then Gregor was mean. Fine, fine, it was funny. But I put my bags back in the cart so I could get my keys and such situated, and then when I went to pick the bags back up, he turned the cart away from me. At first I didn't know what he was doing, but after I kept having to move over and reach for my bags for like... ever... I realized. And threatened to punch him/kick him/injure him in some way that I never actually would. Or called him a jerk. But it was funny.
Then we left!!! And my key chain fell apart in the middle of the parking lot. Stupid thing.
I'm good with details, aren't I? Are you sick of reading this? Because I'm sick of writing it!! haha
Back in the car. Back on the road. Up to a stoplight where this hilarious billboard said, "Summer's short, scratch often." It was about the lottery. And I pointed it out, and Gregor was quick to twitter. "Add ...ladies to it!!!!!" And he did: Pure awesomeness.
Drove back, and then people started to arrive for the drive-in fun. We loaded up into two vehicles, and stopped at Arby's so Gregor and I could get food, because we were silly and didn't get food when we were out before.
Then headed to the drive-in. Where we sat around, and some of us danced, played on the playground equipment, took pictures/video footage (see: Facebook), and then watched Kung Fu Panda and Iron Man.
I love the drive-in. Have I mentioned this? Hmmmm. I suppose I probably have.
Not much else to say about the drive-in. After the last movie, we loaded back up in our vehicles and parted ways. Ian, Gregor, and I went back to Gregor's, HUGGY HUGS, and good-byes. I then drove to Sheryl's, where we went to bed fairly quickly. The next day, after I woke up, we sat around talking for HOURS. And looking at old pictures, including some of Gregor with purple hair (IT WAS PURPLE), playing strip poker. hahaha NAKED TIME!!
Also, he likes wearing clothes with swastikas on them. Or liked? Or just did.
Again, better without explanation. :)
After I had fully annoyed the pants off of everyone, and everyone was sick of hanging out with me, I took off for home, stopping for some Burger King fry awesomeness on the way. So much junk food, and YET I lost weight this weekend. Craziness.
Anyway... I love you all!!!! Thanks for everything, and thanks for making this awesome weekend happen.
Special kudos to Gregor for supporting all of my ideas of fun-ness and being up for doing all of it/helping arrange them.
Other kudos to Trav, Trav's grandma, and Sheryl for giving me places to sleep so I didn't have to follow Gregor's advice of parking a van down by the river.
Good times. I hope to see you all again soon! I'm missing you all like crazy right now. Seriously. I'm like, addicted. Withdrawal pains!!! I'm twitching! Ahhhh!
Have I mentioned that I love you guys? :)
Edit: In reference to the massive amount of mentions Gregor got in this entry:
gRegor (6:45:30 PM): heh, when you move to indy, it won't revolve around me.
gRegor (6:45:39 PM): then you'll have your own place to host stuff
gRegor (6:45:53 PM): there will be blog posts like...
gRegor (6:46:08 PM): look at ALL THIS AWESOME STUFF WE DID and GREGOR DIDN'T COME because I didn't invite his sorry ass
gRegor (6:46:37 PM): "because this was a disco party, and gregor wouldn't dress up, so no invite!"