Knock, knock...

Sep 25, 2007 21:50

I've had a lot of things to write about the past few days, but I just haven't had the energy. I really barely have the energy right now, to be honest, but I'm gonna try. I've been up since 4am, though, so... don't expect TOO much out of me.

Let's see... first, I need to figure out when I last wrote. Alright, the 20th.

The 20th, Thursday, I went to my 2nd dress fitting, which went pretty well. She's had to do a CRAZY amount of work on the dress, but it's starting to shape up. I have to go back again tomorrow afternoon, because she needs to cut a lot of the shoulder material out and doesn't want to do the big CHOPPING until she's 100% sure everything will be perfect. Crazy stuff.

After that, Mom and I were going to get the oil changed in my car with my free coupon. However, on the way there, we discovered that the coupon was supposed to be sent IN to REQUEST the free oil change, and the date for THAT was long overdue. Oops. So no oil change for me. Instead, sometime we're going to have my dad do it (like he usually does).

So instead, we went shopping at Kohl's, where I got a couple of fall-ish shirts. That's always good. Then we had dinner at Steak N Shake before returning home.

Friday, the 21st, I worked from 10am-2pm. I got trained on POS (Point of Sale, aka running cash registers/checking people out (that's what she said?)), which was cool. The chick that trained me, Ramona (Quimby?), was super nice and helpful/patient, which is good. On top of that, the people that came through my line were VERY patient with me, as they could tell I was new.

And boy, was I new.

I made SO many mistakes. I definitely didn't live up to my "fast learner" reputation this time. But apparently that's how everyone is the first time they do POS. Here's a quick rundown of my slip-ups:

1. While giving change to a customer, I needed to give her a few pennies and only had one loose penny in the drawer. In keeping with the directions I was given, I wasn't supposed to open a new roll until I had used all of the loose change. Thus, this was the point to open a new roll of pennies. The PROBLEM, of course, is that I was in a hurry, and I've never opened a roll of any sort of change before (except rolls of quarters for laundry at AU, and I just tore them apart and made a huge mess without worrying about it), so... pennies... EVERYWHERE. No joke. Pennies in the other coin slots in the drawer, pennies on the floor... and Allison the newbie, standing there trying to count change, catch flying pennies, figure out why the alarm/beepy-thing at the door is going off on the customer I had just checked out prior to the penny fiasco customer, and direct a man who was asking to make a return to go to Customer Service. In. San. Ity.
2. A lady wanted to pay off some of her Kohl's charge debt with Kohl's gift cards. I asked the girl at the next register what to do, and she told me I could do that and walked me through the steps. Later on we found out from Ramona that we AREN'T allowed to do that, and that the only gift cards that can be used to pay off Kohl's charge debts are Kohl's Cares For Kids gift cards... and that we'll probably get a letter from corporate. Yikes.
3. While just starting to check out my first customer without supervision (Ramona was helping someone get a shirt off of a mannequin), some perturbed lady walks up to me (of course she picks ME out of the two cashiers there... the one that has no clue what she's doing AND is busy) with a shoe, complaining about there being no one in the shoe department and she has a question... and so she wanted me to page someone to come to the shoe department and help her. I had no idea what to do... so I told her I would do it in a second, and kept ringing up stuff. Well... now I know that that was the WRONG decision. The lady got ticked off, left the shoe sitting on a counter, and told me she gave up. I tried to save the situation by telling her I'd make the call right then, and she told me to forget it. Eeeeeeek. My bad. So later, Ramona came back and I asked her what to do in that situation, and she said to make the call, and then to finish with the customer at the register while waiting for someone to call me back, and then give them directions. Good to know. But I felt bad...
4. While checking out an elderly couple, I forgot how to take the $15 pick-a-day coupon off of their price. So I did something to screw it up, and then saw Ramona walking by, so I asked her and she told me to do a void and start over. So I did that, and started over (entering the numbers by hand) and then pulled an Idiot and accidentally added the 15% pick-a-day AND an extra 15% off. Oops. The poor couple... they were being SO patient, but obviously I'm one of those horror stories of the stupid trainee that keeps screwing things up and makes you wait all day due to her stupidity. So at that point, Ramona told me to switch registers with her... and quickly remedied the situation as I went over and finished ringing up the lady she had been helping. Craziness.
5. I was having trouble figuring out what bag to use on a leather jacket for a lady, and she offered to just carry it out without a bag. I didn't think we were supposed to, but I pulled an Idiot again and said OK. And of course... things should've gone smoothly, but the alarm goes off on her as she walks out. So she brings the jacket and jewelry back up and I run it over the little... machine... thingy... and then carry each thing separately through the gate and it's fine. So she leaves. But it was glaringly obvious that I didn't even use security tape on her jacket, which is a big no-no... and yeah. Oops again.

That's all I can think of, but I'm sure there were more I'm just forgetting.

After THAT lovely experience, I went to my grandparents' and dug through the house for something to eat (I hadn't gotten lunch yet, since I'd been working and only got a 15 minute break)... and found their stash of little frozen personal pizzas in the basement freezer. Heck yeah. So I made one, and then got on the internet. After a while, my mom came and we went over to the Shop (building where my mom and aunts used to have a gift store/tanning bed/etc) to set up garage sale stuff again for the sale the next day. That didn't take too long, and Mom and I waited around a bit to see if Dad and Justin wanted to meet us for dinner at Applebee's. She couldn't get ahold of either of them, so we went home and ended up eating Subway sandwiches and FINALLY watching Last Holiday, which we had gotten from Blockbuster a week or two before. Good movie, by the way. After that, I stayed up late, which was nice, because I didn't have to work the next day.

Saturday, the 22nd, I drove to my grandparents' to meet my mom after the garage sale. I helped them divvy up the money (I once again got my money AS WELL AS my mom's, which summed up to... I don't know... around $50?), and then Mom and I went to South Bend/Mishawaka to shop. First, we went to the University Park Mall, which was CRAZY crowded, but OK. Shopped at Lane Bryant. Got a couple FABULOUS shirts, and ordered some more shirts online which should come sometime this week. Yay new clothes. Yay Lane Bryant and their awesome Audrey Hepburn/60s-esque clothes that they have this year/season.

Then we shopped at J.C. Penney, where I found some lovely CARDIGANS. I'd been wanting to find some nice v-neck cardigans for quite some time, and finally... there they were. They're super cute. I'm excited for the weather to cool off so I can wear them.

Après, we went to Panera for dinner. As I was carrying one of our trays around to start looking for a place to sit, I think I see someone I know. So I kind of hesitate, and glance. I kind of keep walking, but I hesitate and do a double-take. I kind of stare at her for a second, trying to place this familiar face in this strange setting, and she notices me and looks up, recognizes me, and says hi.

Sure enough, it's Melissa Miller, from AU. CRAZY WEIRD. What are the odds of that? So she talks about how she's from Goshen, and asks what I'm there for, so I tell her I'm from Warsaw and that I was in town to shop. I looked at her friends to see if I recognized any of them (didn't, they must've been her home friends or something), and then we exchanged some "Wow, this is really weird." comments, and I mumbled something about how it's really weird, since we've never really TALKED to each other, but we know who each other is (are? is? am?). She agreed. Then I said again that it was weird and kind of awkwardly walked off to find a table. Then they left, and Mom and I ate, and then we went to Kohl's in South Bend to pick up some shirts we had put on hold. I tried them on, and of course they didn't fit. They were AWESOME, too. Argyle v-neck sweaters... gorgeous. But no such luck for the Allison.

Home we went.

I went to bed around 9, because I had to get up at 4am the next day to go to work.

Sunday, the 23rd, I worked from 6-9am in the cash office with Kim. She trained me on how to do things in there, which basically consists of counting money in the registers, counting money in the safe, preparing money to be deposited at the bank, counting all the money again, filling some of the registers and starting them for the day, and going through a bunch of steps on a computer program. It's complicated but I think once I get the hang of it, it'll be a BLAST. Plus, it's IMPORTANT... so... it's cool to do something important.

After THAT, I went to my grandparents and visited with them until we walked over to church, and after church, I went with my mom to Warsaw to get a birthday card and some food supplies for my cousin Camron's birthday party... and then we went back to Kim's (next door to my grandparents') for that. That was fun enough. Got to see my cousins' grandma (on the other side), who I worked with my first year at Da-Lite (she retired the last week I was there that year), so it was fun to catch up with her. Mom and I planned to go see a movie, and Seth (my cousin) said he was going with us, but then he ended up getting tired or something and didn't go. So Mom and Grandma and I went to see Sydney White. They LOVED it. I loved it, too, but they were going nuts about how great it was. Gotta love that. But yeah, it's cute, it's funny, it's typical Amanda Bynes awesomeness. It kind of reminded me of a mix between A Cinderella Story, What a Girl Wants, and Revenge of the Nerds. And the one dorky guy... the one with allergies (I forget his name (I suppose his dwarf name would be Sneezy?))... is SUPER. HOT. I totally would've dated him. Who cares if he's got allergies. Beautiful:

Then we got groceries (bleh) and went back to my grandparents' to drop Grandma off and get me back to my car, and I drove home... and then we watched some of The Office season 3 and then I went to bed I believe around 8pm.

Monday, the 24th: Got up at 4am, drove to Kohl's, where I met up with the other people going on the trip to Westfield. We arranged for me to drive the three of us, and Kim gave me directions and we were off. It was me, Elly, and Emily. They're super fun girls... and it was a pretty good time, aside from the horribly messy Westfield store that we had to work in. DISGUSTING. That place is a trash pit. I'm not exaggerating. Come to the Warsaw Kohl's, and then go to that Kohl's... and then go back to the Warsaw Kohl's again... and you'll see my point. Part of it is that that store is older and over twice as big. But still. They're horribly understaffed, and everything is a mess. Plus, they were really unorganized. They didn't know what they wanted us to do. So really... there wasn't much point in us being there at all.

But I digress... kind of. First off, I wanted to mention that we drove along listening to Motion City Soundtrack, Regina Spektor, and Mae (the first because I had already been listening to it, the 2nd because Elly said she loves her, and the third because Elly picked it out of my CD options). Most of the drive, Elly slept in the backseat and I just drove along in the dark. The sun came up, which was pretty cool, because we got to see the sunrise. Finally, after a couple hours, we arrived and went inside. They had us put our stuff in an unlocked office, and then sent us to the men's dress pants section, to put them in size order and straighten and fold and make it look good. So Elly taught me what to do (I'd never done recovery before), and we each took a section and went to work. Apparently I was working faster than they were... but who knows. After we each finished like... a few rows... this dude that was there helping from some place in Ohio came by and told us that they didn't want that to be the only section that looks good (if that tells you anything about the state of the store), so he wanted us to do a quick job of straightening the rest, without sorting or making it perfect, and then to go to towels and just "fake it out" (make things look good, and fill in empty spaces to make it look like there was more there than there actually was). So we did... and worked our way through all bed and bath stuff, Christmas stuff, picture frames, and then he dragged Emily off to do adset (changing signs and such, I think... I'm not sure, I haven't done it) and sent Elly and me to focus primarily on the tables in the kids' section. We had no idea what to do, and we were CRAZY tired and hungry (we put off our lunch break until we left at 2:30pm), so that kind of sucked, but she's fun so it was cool to work with her a bit more.

We FINALLY got to leave at 2:30pm, and I was like, "Where do you guys want to eat?" I started mentioning some restaurants that I knew were in the area (from when I lived there), and said Arby's. They both commented on how they're Arby's fans, so that's where we went. Emily paid for lunch, and kept the receipt so we could give it to our store and she could get reimbursed. Then we stopped to get gas and then were on our way home. Elly once again crashed in the backseat, and Emily also fell asleep shortly thereafter. So I cruised along, listening to Shiny Toy Guns, Hot Hot Heat, and Jon McLaughlin. About when we got back to the edge of Warsaw, they woke up... and we got back, commenting on how glad we were to see our little Kohl's again. As we walked through we enjoyed the CLEANLINESS and ORGANIZEDNESS of it all, and reveled in its awesomeness. Then we went to Customer Service and met up with Crissy, who "reimbursed" me $90 for gas (heck yeah) and Emily for the Arby's receipt... and we were out of there.

I came home, had some pizza/watched The Office for a few, and then went to bed around 8:30 or 9.

Today, I worked from 6am-2:30pm. Justin had the same hours, so he rode with me to/from work. Brandon also had the same hours, so that was fun. From 6 to about 9:30am, Kim assisted me with cash office stuff. She mostly let me do it myself this time, which is why it took FOREVER. I still don't have it down... but hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon. It's fun, but there are a TON of steps to remember. It's tough. So it took ages, but I finally got done with that and she sent me off with Krista (I mentioned her in another entry... the one with Brandon's CD) to do some replenishing (I think that's what it's called). Basically, we pushed carts full of stuff out from the back room and put things on shelves. She also taught me a bit about the different sections we worked in (Men's, Misses, Petites) and we switched a few racks from hanging areas to shelves, which was pretty cool. She also helped me figure out the color wheel and those sorts of fun things. (The order clothes and stuff go in, by color.) It was fun, but my feet ACHED.

I don't have a whole lot to say about today. It all went pretty smoothly, but wore me out, especially after doing 3-in-a-row 6am days. Crissy asked me if I wanted to work tomorrow. I said no. I need a day off... I'm exhausted... and I'm scheduled to work Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. THEN... I'm off to central IN from Tuesday-Saturday. Yay! :)

Tonight... watched some more of The Office season 3, in preparation for Thursday's season 4 premiere. Also did some more cleaning in my room. It actually LOOKS clean in some areas now, which is cool. I might do some more tonight. We'll see.

The end.

weddings, grandpa f, carmel, movies, da-lite, camron, mom, home, audrey hepburn, justin, stephanie, dad, car, grandma f, kohl's, indy, church, seth, kim, fashion, brandon, garage sale, au, south bend, the office

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