Sep 09, 2007 22:56
Wow... where to begin? I had an incredibly great weekend. It was exactly what I needed. (If you haven't noticed, I had been feeling pretty crappy lately.) I got to see a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a while, along with some of my all-time favorites that I have seen recently but... really, you can't see those people too much. On top of THAT, which is enough to bring joy to my heart in and of itself, I also got to do some of my all-time favorite things. How can you beat that?
However, I did have a couple run-ins with the POLICE.
Ooh, intrigued?
Now for the details.
I left Thursday around 3pm. I was in a hurry, unlike the time before, because I had been dragging my feet in getting ready and packing. Well, that... and I watched some episodes of The Office season 3 first. So I was rushing, and threw stuff in the car, and finally got out of there. Realized pretty quickly that I would need to stop for gas on the way, and finally the conclusion came to me that I might not make it in time for the beginning of Keren's memorial.
So I stopped in a town along the way to get gas, and then seemed to be making pretty good time. Then, at some point, a cop makes kind of a quick turnaround in the median and starts following me. I had probably been going 60 (I'm not a huge speeder, but 60's kind of my typical speed) in a 55, so as I saw him making his turnaround I quickly slowed down to 55. Set cruise control. I would NOT get pulled over when I was already pushing it to make it to Keren's memorial on time.
As I continued to NOT speed, the guy rode along right behind me, as if waiting to pounce. Well... I didn't give him anything to pounce ON, and so later when I got to the split highway, he passed me. I was like... YESSSSSSS. Allison wins. And I proceeded on to Anderson and made it about 5 minutes before the memorial was supposed to start.
Ran into Gretchen in the bathroom, so I gave her a quick hug and then waited for her and Tabitha and asked to sit with them. Then we waited in line to sign the guestbook, and then I went to look at the table of Keren's stuff they had set up and they DITCHED me, so I hunted them down and "yelled" at them for leaving me. They laughed and we sat down.
The memorial was good. Not as powerful to me as the other memorial, but still good. Some things were repeated, some things were new. A lot of things made me cry. Jael read something, which was really cool. We sang the song with the line, "You give and take away" again, so I got some more bawling-my-eyes-out time in on that one.
When it was over, I went and hugged Jael and then called Trav to see what he was doing. He didn't answer his phone, so I went to Subway for dinner and then tried calling him again when I got back. I couldn't get ahold of Cara either, so I didn't want to go drop my stuff off at her house yet, so instead I decided to go see if Trav was in the library. So I did, and sure enough, there he was.
He signed me on to a computer (because, as a graduate, I no longer have the privilege of using the services I'm still paying dearly for), and then he went to his Dativus meeting and I waited there, then he came back, and then we went to IHOP in Muncie to meet up with his friends Alex and Dave. They were cool guys, so that was fun. Après ça, we went to Wal-Mart so SOMEONE ::cough:: could use the facilities. Then we went to his grandparents' house in New Castle and watched The Birdcage (which is pretty funny) before he pulled out a cot for me to sleep on in the room with the creepy painting.
The next morning, I heard movement and then all of a sudden someone is touching my shoulder. I think it's probably Trav coming to be annoying/wake me up, so I turn and then realize it's his grandma, putting a blanket on me. Awwww. How cute.
After a bit, Trav was ready and we drove back to AU and I dropped him off for class and then went to Cara's, where everyone was asleep and I just lay down on the couch and dozed off for a few myself. Cara got up and was getting around, thinking it was Julie on the couch, but then looked again and was like, "Whoa, you're not Julie!" Then she went to class, telling me to make myself at home. So I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't, so I hung out for a bit and then got really tired again, so I had JUST fallen asleep when Trav called me and asked me to meet him in the MP for lunch. I didn't really want to, but I knew he didn't want to eat lunch alone, so I hurried up and changed clothes. I drove all the way around campus looking for a reasonably close parking spot, and of course, as this is AU I'm talking about, there were none. I found ONE nice 30 minute spot really pretty close to the MP, but it was on a curve AND parallel parking, and so I TRIED, but then a bunch of cars kept coming and I was in their way, so I tried to rush it and ended up on the curb. I tried to go back and forth and fix it and get straight enough that I could leave my car there, and I just couldn't do it, so I gave up and ended up parking behind the Wellness Center. I was PEEVED. And of course because of the delay, I was late to meet Trav, meaning he had to hurry and eat in like 10 minutes because he had class. It sucked.
BUT. They had pasta bar. Mmmmmmm. AND. One of the ladies that works there remembered me and asked me why she hadn't seen me around yet this year like usual, and I told her I graduated. "Well that's a good reason not to be here, then!" So she asked me what I'm doing, and I told her I'm looking for a job but haven't found anything yet. Oh, and another positive? They had the melty chocolate chip cookies. I took two and ate them on my way back to my car. Then I drove back to Cara's and crashed on the couch once more, and finally did shower/beautify. Called Trav, and he invited me over to Susan's, so I went over there and watched the season 3 finale of The Office with them. And Susan found my watch and returned it (yay, no more feeling naked!)... and then... we chilled for a bit but then they needed to leave so we took off. But before we left, we wrote lude-esque messages on their dry-erase board, such as "Girls Girls Girls, XXX!" and "Live Nudes!!!" Susan later asked Trav if he did it. He lied at first but then confessed. It was amusing.
We then proceeded to go to Perkins for dinner (so. good.) and then back to the AU library to get online. Then I drove to Cara's to change into my disco clothes, where I saw that Julie was also preparing for the disco dancing greatness. After getting ready, I returned to the library and picked Trav up... and then we went to Disco Dancing & Donuts. It was pretty great, but CRAZY hot. We had to keep making trips outside to cool off, which was difficult considering last time we did that it was still WINTER, so going outside helped, but now it's summer. But it was still a lot of fun. They played "Shake Your Booty," "Super Freak," "Dancing Queen," "YMCA," "Car Wash," "Hot Stuff," "I Will Survive" (which Trav says... if there ever was a song that could've been written directly for Allison, that would be it (and I rather agree, so it's my new theme song (hence me putting the lyrics in here the other day))), "The Hustle," "You Should Be Dancing" (which they cut off after like a minute... and I was peeved, because I LOVE that song), "Night Fever," "I'm a Believer" by the Monkees (totally NOT disco. at all. so we broke it down with some lovely 60s dances, mainly the twist... so that was a lot of fun, to mix it up a bit. I think we made the most of their blunder.), "Shake Your Groove Thing" (my favorite disco song), and some others that I didn't know. It was a GREAT time. Ran into Danielle there, and we told her she needed to dance with us. She didn't. We found her once and tried to dance with her against her will, but she ran off.
ALSO, ran into my lovely STALKER. So I said hi, and his face lit up and he's like, "HEY!!!!" and looked like he was about to ambush hug me but then hesitated, and then was like, "You're totally stalking me!!" I'm like, "I know!!!" Then he started dancing, and then a girl I was in Women's Chorus with came up and I figured they were kind of there together, so I waved and said I just wanted to say hi and went back to find Trav.
They had a dance contest and a costume contest, but they did voting on applause, so basically it was a popularity contest. This one guy had an AMAZING outfit. A dark sweatervest over a button-down shirt, and BROWN. PLAID. PANTS. Oh, and sunglasses and shaggy blonde hair. So yes, I may be biased since he was my type... BUT. His outfit was one of FEW that looked authentic. He totally should've won. But of course he didn't. It was a travesty against everything good in this world. Or... something.
After we had successfully soaked ourselves, our hair, and our clothes through with sweat and the disco dancing awesomeness ended, we hugged and took notice of the fact that this was "our last dance" together (since Trav will be graduating and moving away after this year). Then we walked to my car to get money and then to the gas station next door to buy things to drink. I was SO. THIRSTY. I think I was dehydrated, because I was feeling sick to my stomach. But it's not my fault! They had NOTHING there. They had grape Squeez-Its, which are AMAZING, so I had one, but they ran out really fast since there were SO. MANY. PEOPLE. So yeah. All that dancing, all that heat, and no water... I was bound to feel sick. But I remedied the situation and then we took off. Trav wanted to try to find where they were having the roller skating night after, so we found the roller rink in town and the only people there were old people and little kids, so we figured maybe it was later and went cruising to my 70s playlist. Drove around Pendleton and then back, and nothing had changed at the rink so they must've gone to another town for skating. So then we went back to AU and went to the 24-hour lab for a while. Then I dropped him off at his car and went to Cara's, where I crashed on their comfy couch once more.
Woke up on Saturday when Cara got up, and since she had a while before she needed to go anywhere, we ended up getting to sit and talk for quite a while, which was nice because I hadn't gotten to see her at all during all of my crazy trips through Anderson, because she's been so busy. So yay!! Also, Jessie called at some point because she was in town, so she stopped in and joined our chatting-it-up session. I then remembered I had invited her to the show in Muncie I was going to, so she kept thinking about whether or not she wanted to go and eventually decided that she would, I think partly due to Cara's insistence that Wolfy is good piano rock music and that it'd be fun. By this point it was 3:30, so I showered/beautified and then Jessie needed to go back to her apartment for something, so she took off and I finished getting ready/packing up my stuff.
Then we hugged goodbye and I went to Panera for dinner, then I drove to Jessie's apartment. After a few, we took off for Muncie... chatting it up the whole way. We basically had story hour. I told about some things going on in my life lately, and she told about some things from her past, and it was pretty cool bonding time. We finally made it to Muncie, found a parking spot in a bank parking lot, and I called Candace. She said that she and a bunch of people were up in someone's apartment down the street, so Jessie and I paid and got our wristbands, went in to look around a bit, and then Candace called me back to tell me we could go up there if we wanted. Since really the only music at that time was some rap group, we decided to take her up on that, and then we ended up running into Ray so we hugged, I introduced Jessie and Ray, and then he took us up to the apartment to see everyone. There, we saw Candace, Sammi, Sarah, Wolfy, and a few others that I didn't know. Gave a hug to Candace, then started walking farther into the apartment and Wolfy got up and gave me a hugely wonderful hug (Wolfy hugs rock... have I mentioned this before? they totally do. I was having withdrawals. yay for Wolfy hugs!!) and shook hands with Jessie, and then I hugged Sammi. There was a whole lot of hugging goin' on, which is one of my favorite things about this group of people.
Jessie and I settled in on the bar chairs, and then Candace joined us as we looked at a home décor magazine and commented about how our friends and relatives were in there uncredited and that they took pictures of my house without sending me royalty checks like they were supposed to. Then Wolfy ditches people, and they're like, "Hey! Where are you going?!" and he's like, "I'm going to talk to Allison!" So he pulls up a chair next to me and starts asking me when I'm moving to Indy, what I've been up to, etc. "Where is it you're from again...?" "You don't know? What kind of friend are you?!" "Apparently a really bad one!" Then he told me I need to move to Fountain Square, because they have cheap rent. I was like, "Are there any JOBS in Fountain Square?" He said he didn't know, but I should move there anyway. Then he and Jessie talked a bit, about where she's from, where she works, etc. Twas a fun little chat we had. Also, Sarah (whose apartment we were in) made some yummy mac & cheese... and I had some... and it was really good.
Later on, a bunch of us decided to go try to hear Black Soil Project, so we went out and of course it was raining, but we went down anyway. When we got down there, we found out that he would be on late, because the stage was waaaaay behind. Boo. So for a few, we listened to a crappy cover band that was playing and then Josh, Matt, and Isha walked by, giving us high fives, and after a little bit we went back to the apartment and hung out with them and Wolfy and everyone again for a while until it was about time for Black Soil Project to play, at which point we went BACK out and watched/listened to him for a couple songs and then Jessie and I went and listened to Arrah and the Ferns on a different stage for a song or two before their sound cut out, at which point Jessie wanted to go back to BSP so we did that and he finished his last song, so then we went back to Arrah, as their sound was working again, for one more song.
This was the boring part of the night. We ended up standing under a tiny awning in front of a bar to stay out of the rain, and waited for it to be Wolfy's turn to play. Which... it took FOREVER, because as I said, the stage was crazy off-schedule. So we listened to another crappy band play, for like... EVER, and when they were done they just STOOD there talking instead of getting their stuff off the stage. It was a WEE bit ridiculous. OK, a lot more than a wee bit. It was a MASSIVE amount of ridiculousness. Wolfy was highly peeved, Ray was annoyed... pretty much everyone was mad. FINALLY the band got their butts out of the way and they set up for Wolfy, and there was seriously NO crowd by this point. It was midnight, and everyone was down at another stage. After they announced Wolfy and he started playing, some people came over, so that made it better. I would've felt really bad for them had it just been us in the audience. Yay for those people that came over!
Wolfy was great as always. I never get tired of their shows. Jessie also said she really liked them, so that was cool. This POOR lady was TOTALLY drunk, and sitting on the speakers in front of the stage and waving her arms around in the air. It was funny, but really sad if you think about it. I was thinking maybe security or SOMEONE would come along and help her down and take her somewhere... but nobody did. Crazy stuff. There were a LOT of drunk people. This one couple was like dancing ballet dances in the middle of the street while Wolfy was setting up. It was pretty hysterical. They were completely oblivious to the fact that we were standing there laughing at them.
We had a good time clapping along with "Twirl," and then they did a couple more songs and then were done. I waited around for them to come around the front, gave Josh a kind of handshake-ish thing and he thanked me for coming, and said it was a pleasure, as always. Then after a few, Wolfy came around and immediately someone jumped for him to sign something for them, and Jessie was waiting so I wanted to speed up the process, so as he was signing I just jumped in and did kind of a side-hug-ish deal to kind of say goodbye, at which point he was like, "Wait, I'm all sweaty but I'll give you a hug!" so he handed the stuff back to the chick and gave me a real side-hug and I told him they were awesome, as always, and he went back to signing but kept talking to me, saying, "You're too kind, Allison. You're too kind." Then I found Sarah M. to give her a hug, and she said she'd see me around MySpace, and then I hugged Ray and said we need to go hang out at Peppy Grill again... and then we took off.
Found my car, started playing Wolfy while discussing whether or not it's acceptable to play the band's music right after seeing their show, to which I said I think that's only a rule for BEFORE the show, and in my case I don't care about the rules anyway and I usually always play their music before AND after. Then we were trying to figure out how to get back to the road we needed, so I figured out how to get out of the parking lot and took a left to go back the way we came. After a block or so I started realizing things looked weird. Jessie finally realized and commented that we were going the wrong way on a one-way street, so I was like... CRAP. So I immediately turned right onto the next road I saw, which... of course... turned out to ALSO be a one-way that I was going the wrong way down. And as luck would have it, a cop was right there to see all of this take place. At around 2am. I was like ohhhh crap. So I didn't know what to do, because I obviously couldn't just pull over where I was, on the wrong direction on a one-way, so I waited for cars to go by and turned into this little parking garage-esque thing and pulled up so the cop (by the way, I don't say cop in a demeaning way, I just like saying that word... fyi) could pull in behind me, and as Jessie is commenting for me to stay calm and not freak out, I kind of chuckled to myself, rolled down the window, dug in the backseat for my purse to get my license out, and asked Jessie to get in the glove compartment for the registration. I think I kept my cool really well, as I'd never been pulled over before, for ANYTHING, so I could've easily freaked out and cried. But I knew it was just a silly mistake and that most people would understand that, so it probably wouldn't be such a big deal once I explained.
So she (the cop) came up to my window, said hi, then went through her little schpeal about her name and that she's from the Muncie Police Department, and that she was pulling me over because... and here's where it got kind of amusing. She was clearly trying to be intimidating, but it came off as more funny than anything (no, I didn't laugh (and it was funny to me BECAUSE I know ME and I know that I'm not a threat or a criminal... haha)). She said, "I pulled you over because you went the wrong way down every street in Muncie." hahahahaha talk about exaggerations. It was great. Again, no, I didn't laugh, except kind of a sheepish "I know I'm an idiot and made a mistake" chuckle. Then she asked me if I had been drinking, which of course I said no, since I hadn't. She seemed to believe me, which is good. It obviously must've looked like I was drunk off my butt, since I was veering around traffic and going down streets the wrong way... hahaha. I can only imagine how that looked from her perspective. But I was totally alert and aware of what I had done, and I'm pretty sure she knew just from how I was acting what had happened. So she asked for my license and registration, which by that point I had in my hands, so I gave it to her and made a comment about how I'm not from the area and got kind of mixed up with where I was going. She was like, "Oh, you just got turned around. Are you just in town for the music festival and got turned around?" I told her yes, and she asked what road we're trying to get to to leave, so I told her and she told me directions to get to that road. Then she gave my stuff back and that was that... she got back in her car and we followed her directions and she followed us part of the way to make sure we were on track and then pulled up beside us and waved before going her own way.
Oh, the adventures of life!! Really, though, how AWESOME of a first pull-over story is that? Just a silly mistake, and didn't even get a warning, so it was harmless and silly and nothing to fret over, and no money to pay. Heck yes. It mostly just makes for a funny story.
So after that, we continued on home and Jessie finished a story she had been telling me earlier, and then she said she hadn't listened to the new Elms CD so I played that for her and she gave me some shortcuts to get to her apartment. We got back there around 3-ish, I think, and she let me sleep in her bed while she slept in Kristin's (her roommate's) so she could keep the cat with her so she wouldn't bug me. Awwwww, Jessie's so nice.
Got up, we took turns showering, then I got ready, then she was ready, then we took off separately in our cars (she had to go to church after, and I was going home) for Fountain Square. Got turned around on the way there, and she ended up following me around while I made my crazy turns. It was weird, though, because we had it all planned out but then the road we were planning to take didn't actually cross the road we were on like it did on the map. So we took Meridian instead, and then I realized I would have to dodge the circle, so I went over a block to get around that... and then we were SEEMINGLY back on course, because we got to the street we originally had wanted to be on, but then the right-hand turn we were supposed to take APPEARED to go into a parking garage. So I got confused and didn't know what to do, so I cut across the lanes (nobody was there) and went BACKWARDS a couple blocks because of one-ways, and then went around the block, and seemed to be getting lost, so I called Jessie. By the time she answered and I was going to tell her I was confused, I ended up seeing East, which I recognized and is the one Trav and I usually took to get there, so I was like... never mind. So at that point I was on track, so we got there easily after that. Parked, went in, Doug wasn't there, so I figured since we were about a half hour later than we had told him that he probably wouldn't have waited around for us or anything. So we sat down, ordered, talked, etc.
After a while, Doug DID come in, so he sat with us and he ended up ordering, and good times were had. Also, Kyle (from the Harrison Center) and someone we had been with at the concert/apartment (I forget who she was) was with him, so that was funny. She's like, "Hey, I feel like I just saw you guys a few hours ago!" So we ate, talked, acted silly, took pictures, etc. Then Jessie needed to leave to go to church, so we went outside and we just kept talking instead of parting ways, and then Doug and Jessie decided to go together so she could drop him off at his car and then she could follow him to get to church from there. And then... we did actually part ways, and I made the long-ish drive home.
Got here... tried calling Kohl's back, since my mom and brother said they called to tell me I got the job but needed to call to find out when to come in. So I did, but the lady was on break so she said she'd call me later. So then I took a short nap until dinner, and then got online and they did call, so I called them back and she formally offered me the position, I accepted, and she told me when to come in. Sept. 27 from 9am-1pm will be my first day, and my aunt Kim will be training me. How funny is that? She also wanted to tell me that she's looking forward to working with me, and that she loves everyone in my family that works there and that when my mom first brought in the application she didn't hesitate to say she'd hire me. (All of which I already knew, but it was funny to hear it from her.) She said I'd be making $6.75 an hour, which is higher than Mom thought I'd be making, and for part-time that's not too bad.
After that... I watched Unaccompanied Minors with Mom, which is kind of cute but not that great. Had some cameos from B.J. Novak and the girl who plays Kelly on The Office, so that was cool. Then we watched an episode of The Office and then she went to bed... and here I am.
I'm taking a break from the Indy crowd for a while. Next time I'm planning to go back in the first week of October, when I'll be staying with Jessie for a few days... going to the Regina Spektor concert, possibly a Shiny Toy Guns and Yellowcard show with Gregor and Ian, and then Stephanie's rehearsal dinner, staying with them in the hotel, and then her wedding the next day. That'll be one crazy-yet-fun week. Until then, I'll just hang around here, try to clean my room and pack up some of my apartment stuff, get started with work and all of that jazz. It'll be good to have a break from some people. I think I was just seeing some people too much, and it was wearing on me and our relationships, so it'll be good to just... take some time off. I think so, anyway. It's possible something will come up and I'll want to go to Anderson or see Jessie or something, but mainly I'm just taking a break from the people I had seen (the first time I wrote that I put "had saw." HAD SAW?! Allison... you must REALLY be tired... hahaha) a WHOLE lot of this summer. That's where the problem is. So to those people... I don't hate you, I'm not mad at you or anything like that, I'm just taking some time away from coming down to spend lots of time with you... to better our friendships. If that makes sense. I think it does.
Alright, this is crazy long, so... byeness, hooligans.
fountain square,
the elms,
adam howell,
candace sluder,
the office