Sep 03, 2007 00:15
And once again, it's been a few days. I'll try to not go into so much detail this time... but again, not making any promises.
Friday, I made my way to Indy around 1:30pm. Which was pretty great, considering I was planning to leave at 2pm. I was actually running EARLY! How great is that? Well, it's exceptionally great, because it got me there pretty close to the exact time I needed to be there. On the way, I stopped at Target to buy some food and playing cards. Then I found the place (which was easy, considering I'm starting to figure my way around (finally)) and called some people back that had left me voicemails (Mom, Ray). Ray tried to convince me to blow off the movie and go to Carmel to see Wolfy play instead. Then he told me he was going to see Pat Benetar for $4. SO. TEMPTING. I might've done it, had I known earlier, but my cell doesn't get service here so I didn't get his message until that day. Oh well. I bet it was super fun, though.
Then Susan returned my call, and told me it'd be fine for me to stay with her that night, so that was good. After that, it was 5pm (the time Gregor said they'd start selling tickets), so I called Candace. She said she had JUST put my number in her phone, and was on her way. I told her I'd just wait for her, because not many people were there. But then some more people started coming, and I was just sitting there doing nothing anyway, so I decided to go in and buy our tickets.
Waited in line for a few. Bought our tickets. Went back out to my car. A few minutes later, Candace called to tell me she was there. So I loaded up our chairs and the food in my arms and lugged them up to the front. She grabbed a chair and we went inside and lined up with the others in the hallway. Set up our chairs, as the wait would be a half hour-ish. Chatted it up. Good times were had. Then people started going in, so we followed, and found a lovely spot on the 2nd or 3rd tier. Made ourselves comfortable. Chatted it up some more. Ate our food.
Then a killer demon bee flew in for the attack. He wanted Candace's sandwich. He would not relent. She danced around, running left and right, squealing in terror, hiding her sandwich. It was pretty hilarious... for me AND for everyone around us. The chick next to us made the comment to me at one point (when Candace had escaped to the stairs) that she didn't know there'd be such great pre-show entertainment. Then the guy on our OTHER side came back from the restroom and was like, "I almost forgot where I was, but then I saw the girl that was running from the bee!" Oh, Candace. So entertaining.
Finally, the bee got into her sandwich bag and ended up flying out of the bag (meanwhile, she was over on the stairs, "hiding") and landed on the arm of her chair. As I watched, it carried a big-ish chunk of the sandwich and re-situated it in its mouth before flying away. HIL. AR. IOUS.
So she came back, and I informed her that the evil bee was gone... and had taken a piece of her sandwich. She was apalled. But she still ate it. Then the bee came back for a 2nd attempt. She hid it this time, and he eventually did go away and leave us alone.
Then Shawn came, and ended up sitting just a few chairs down from us, which I found amusing. So I flagged him down and yelled his name and he was like, "Oh, didn't see you there!" Then a few minutes later he came down and talked to us. Formally met Candace, and we informed him of our May-December romance. He said I'm full of scandal.
Then he went back to his seat, and we played War with the cards I had just bought. As you know, War goes on FOREVER and you pretty much NEVER win. Well... right away, Candace took a strong lead. And every time we would have a War, we'd put the cards in the cupholder of my chair, and she would sing a little ditty that her computer version plays when you get a War. After a while, a bunch of old people came in and set their chairs up right in front of us. Slightly rude, but they were nice about it and said if they were in our way they'd situate so we could see. It ended up not being a big deal, but Candace did slightly move her chair so she could see the screen better. In doing so, she got the arm of her chair on top of the arm of my chair, thus killing the cupholder hole War pit we had been using. Drat.
And... she won. Seriously. We must've only been playing for 2 hours, and definitely I lost. At War. Played with two decks. Has this EVER happened?! Insanity. But at first I was angry because I was losing, but then I decided to TRY to lose (not that there's any strategy, but anyway), and would get REALLY happy every time I lost a card. I'm like, "It's all about the attitude!!" But then, of course, I started GETTING cards. We decided the game hates me, and it'll do anything to make me unhappy, and since I was HAPPY about losing, it wanted me to WIN.
But then I did end up losing. And we let out cheers of glee at my demise. It was a great moment.
A kid was running around dressed up in costume, banging coconut halves together. It was pretty much fantastic. Oh, and they sold out within a couple hours of letting us in. It was crazy. Crazy AWESOME, that is. Then they were giving away posters, but I didn't sign up. I never win things like that anyway. Candace and I discussed a mission for stealing the posters during the movie, but we decided not to go through with it. Or maybe not so much DECIDED as we never really intended to in the first place.
When it got dark (MUCH earlier than I had thought it would... it was around 8:30pm), they started the movie, and it was... wonderful. People yelled lines out along with the characters, applauded at certain moments, etc. Gotta love that. My favorite moment of crowd participation... well, there are two. First was when the whole front section of the crowd (must've been a large group that came together) quoted the line, "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries." The second was during the part where the cartoon is showing the changing seasons, and they say they were forced to eat the minstrels. Everyone in the crowd said, "Yay, yay" along with it. And that's my favorite part of the movie!!! So that was exciting for me. Big smile on my face. Heck yes.
After the movie, we waited for the SUPER SLOW people to finally get their schtuff in gear so we could get through, passed Shawn and Lauren with a "Shawn." "Allison." and then we were off. Candace and I parted ways, and I drove to Anderson. Stopped at Blockbuster on the way, looking for Blades of Glory. Was in a hurry, as they were supposed to close at midnight. No dice. Went to the OTHER Blockbuster. No dice there, either. Went with about 10 minutes to spare to Family Video. They had like two copies. Heck yeah! So I rented it and went to Susan's, where they were trying to escape a creepy guy that came to their apartment by pretending to go somewhere, so they picked me and my stuff up in the parking lot and we went to Taco Bell. Susan bought me a large Mountain Dew ("What good is having money if you can't spoil your friends?") and they all got food and then we went back to their apartment. Then they ate and we watched What Not To Wear, then they did some decorating, and then I put in Blades of Glory. Anita left to hang out with Antoine, Miranda went to bed, and Susan fell asleep on the couch beside me. I enjoyed it, though! And she was awake long enough to hear the, "I want to cut off your skin... and wear it... to... my birthday." line, which is one of the best lines in film history. Ever. You KNOW it is.
Then the movie was over, and Susan woke up, and went to bed, and I settled in on the couch. And the evening and the morning was the second day.
Slept until Susan woke me up. It was basically the best wake-up EVER. Guess how she did it. GUESS. GUESS THIS INSTANT, GOSH DURN IT!!!
Fine, don't. Geez. Crowd participation just isn't what it used to be.
She walked into the living room, singing "Alison" by Elvis Costello. In other words, this is what I heard when I first woke up:
"Alison, I know this world is killing you, oh Aaaaaaalisoooooon..."
It was AMAZING. hahaha
Then we sat around in our PJ's and smelliness and watched Bring it On. (Love that movie.) Then they all had gotten lunch, so I followed suit and got lunch. Then we watched some stuff on TV... and then I showered and beautified. Then Susan and I went to Pay Less to get some food-type items, and then we came back and Miranda had frozen pizza waiting for us. Susan also mixed up some dip that we had with chips and THAT was INCREDIBLE. Mmmmmm.
Then... they all decorated the apartment some more, and I watched them. Bethany came over and brought a movie (Lonely Jim or something like that) at like midnight-ish, and we all sat down to snack on chips and that lovely dip and watch the movie. The movie takes place in Goshen, IN, which I've been to, and have relatives that live there, etc. So that was pretty cool. Otherwise, the movie kiiiiind of sucked. It had some good moments, but overall it was slow and boring, and I just could NOT get a grasp of WHY Liv Tyler would ever fall in love with the BORING lead guy. He was just that... SUPER BORING. He kinda just walked around, looking half-dead, mumbling crap about how life is pointless. Bor. Ing. I kept making comments about how I would never date him, yada yada. Anita agreed with me. Then at the end, he was leaving on a bus and Liv's character was staying. I was like, "I know the predictable ending that will probably happen is that he'll come back, but I WANT HIM TO JUST LEAVE." Everyone got a big kick out of that. But of course, he went back, and we all moaned and complained... but then laughed. So that was an enjoyable experience, no matter how much the movie sucked.
Then everyone left, and I slept on the couch once again.
Woke up this morning (Sunday) to Susan trying to hit on me, and then she settled in and we watched random shows. One was a discovery channel thing about Titanic, and another was... I really don't even remember. Home makeover shows? Stuff like that. I ended up falling back asleep, and then Miranda's sister came over after church, and I was still laying there asleep. So I moved to a sitting-up position so they could sit down, but they went in the kitchen anyway, so I fell back asleep. Then Susan came and woke me up and told me they were all going to lunch in the art department and that I could just keep sleeping, or watch TV, or whatever I wanted. I was like, "OK. Sweet. I'm good." She's like, "Allison's such a difficult guest. So high-maintenance." Obviously being sarcastic. Then they left, and I slept for a few more, but then got around and ate some lunch and then showered... and then watched a marathon of America's Next Top Model. They came back and they were kind of doing their own things, and I was ready, so I ended up leaving around 5:30.
Drove back here, where my parents had a cheeseburger and some potato things waiting for me, and we watched one of our Blockbuster movies that came a couple days ago, Father of the Bride. It was decent, but kind of slow-moving. I liked it well enough, though.
And now... here I am. And Blades of Glory is supposed to get here like... tomorrow. I told my mom I had forgotten how awkward it is. So at least she's prepared. She probably would've been anyway, as she knows it's Will Ferrell.
And I mean... it is. It's dirty, it's sex-obsessed, and it's... well... it's a Will Ferrell movie. But it's SO. STINKING. HILARIOUS. And Jon Heder... well... he's just hot. And Jenna Fischer is just adorable.
So... tomorrow we're going, I THINK, to the campground where my grandparents/aunts/uncles have campsites near each other... to have a joint birthday party for my mom, grandma, and aunt. That should be fun enough, as my family's filled with quite a few characters, and they'll all be there. Mainly, my uncles Gary and Jerry, and my cousin Brandon. Hilarious group. Plus the little cousins... too funny. So that'll be a good time. And there will probably be cake... and potentially homemade ice cream. Which... well... how can you go wrong with that? You just can't.
And now... I'm done. Later, hooligans.
grandpa f,
blockbuster/family video,
movie night,
cell phone,
grandma f,
candace sluder,