Aug 19, 2007 15:13
It's raining outside. It's beautiful. Honestly, even aside from the rain (I'm a big fan of various forms of precipitation), it's gorgeous weather. Chilly. Just the way I like it. I just broke out a new hoodie that I bought a month or so ago. It's this beautiful shade of green, and has this symbol with shiny gold and GUITARS on the back. Does it get much more Allison than that? Maybe if it were blue. But still. So I'm all snuggled up in my hoodie, watched Grease earlier today, and well...
I've been 'in it' all day. Not so much analyzing anything that IS going on, but I've been in la la land, BIG time. Ever since last night, I've had this daydream going through my head... and although I know the chances are slim that anything even remotely LIKE this daydream could ever come true, that doesn't really take away from the awesome feeling of hope it gives me.
Like I said, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything that's going on in my life, aside from the constant hopeless romanticism that I've had tugging at my heartstrings since I was, oh, born.
And if by some miracle something relatively similar to this daydream I've cooked up ever does actually happen? Holy crap. I'd be the happiest girl on the face of the planet. You can count on it. Which would be SO funny for you, if you knew what the daydream was. I'm not going to talk about it, because it's silly. But I never claimed to not be silly. It's cute, and innocent, and sweet (as 97% of my daydreams are). It'd make a good story for 12-year-old girls, not due to immaturity but due to innocence. Some may disagree, but I firmly believe that innocence and childlike wonder should be present at ALL ages. It's a pretty unfortunate thing that as we get older, we tend to be drawn more and more to the raunch and utter boredom of "maturity" as far as a lot of things go. What about that feeling of childlike wonder... where something completely astounds you in a uniquely beautiful way, and you can't help but just stare at it? What about that inexperience/innocence that puts a glimmer in your eye when you stumble upon something new?
I'm kind of rambling now. I think the weather and the rain and just this day in general have my sap level at an ultimate high, and I'm seeing beauty in all sorts of places. I could just go stand by a window and stare for hours, to be honest. I probably should snuggle up and read a book. I would if I didn't have to leave in a couple hours. Curling up with a book all day with the rain as my soundtrack would've been a lovely way to spend today.
I really haven't spent enough time curled up with a book in my years since early high school. The last time I really was into reading was junior high, and the only books I read in high school were required for my Novels and Shakespeare classes. Then I had some more assigned when I elected to take some extra English classes in college. Loved every second of it, although the love felt for required reading is much less than the love I used to feel when I discovered a good book on my own and would spend hours upon hours reading, finishing a 200 page book in one sitting because I couldn't bring myself to stop. And then the disappointment when I realized that the book was over, and I'd never again be able to spend my afternoon with those same characters and situations (unless it was a series, in which case I would be THRILLED to start the next book).
That is who I used to be. The brainy girl that was constantly reading. I think I lost it somewhere along the line, in an attempt to not be a nerd and be cool. Not that I ever attained coolness, nor did I intentionally set out to lose that part of myself, but I did forget about the whole idea of reading for the fun of it. I want to pick that back up. I've been thinking about getting a membership at our library (since I clearly am not going to be moving to Indy anytime soon) and just start checking out things and see what I like. I'd like to read up on some classic literature, because I never was required to do so at our public high school. We just read some of the basic classics that everyone reads. I'd like to go deeper. I'd like to rediscover my passion for reading and intellectual things. I think it'd be good for me.
I also want to read Why Do Men Have Nipples?. Just because it sounds like sooo much fun.
Anyway... have I mentioned that I like rain and cool weather? Because I do. I know it'll be gone soon, because summer's not over... but fall's coming soon enough. I'm super excited. Allison's time of year is upon us... the time where you can walk around outside in a sweater without being too hot or too cold. The time where you can step on the crunchy leaves. The time you can wear a hoodie inside and outside and be comfortable. And then the time where it gets colder, and I can break out my pea coat and go for a walk in the snow. With the big flakes coming down, completely soaking my hair... and the noise the snow makes under my feet... and how quiet everything else seems to get, so all you can really hear is the snow and your feet. What a phenomenon that is, but a beautiful one, at that.
Alright, just thinking about it is bringing a HUGE smile to my face.
Time to go back out and stare at the rain some more. Have a good day, all.
my childhood,