
Aug 16, 2007 14:18

I'm finally ready to write about the weekend! And now that it's almost the FOLLOWING weekend, I've got things from AFTER the weekend to write about, also. So this will probably be kind of long. I'll try to give the Reader's Digest version... but knowing me, it won't be.

Let's see... last time I wrote was... Friday morning-ish, I believe. Ah yes, prior to being asked to lunch by my lovely friend Sheryl. ;)

So at some point in the early afternoon, I was sitting around Angie's house, trying to figure out what to eat. I found some pickles, and some crackers, and some peanut butter... and diet cream soda. I was good to go(?). Then I saw on twitter that Sheryl had asked me to meet her for lunch, so that was pretty exciting. I hadn't showered, nor did I plan on showering for a few hours, so I pulled my disgusting self together and met her at KFC. We got there at practically the same time, which was cool/convenient. She ordered and got her stuff really quickly and went to sit down. I ordered and it took FOREVER. Either they were slow/incompetent, they hated me, they were dumping my macaroni & cheese into a styrofoam container one piece at a time, or the explanation I prefer: they were taking extra time because they knew who I was and wanted to make sure the food was EXCEPTIONAL for me. Yeah, that MUST be it.

FINALLY I joined Sheryl at the table and we enjoyed a lovely lunch date. Awww, how precious.

I'm trying to remember what we talked about. Let's see... oh, yeah. She noticed that I eat my food one item at a time. So I ate my fries, then my mac & cheese, then my sandwich. Apparently that's funny? Then somehow that led to a discussion about how I cut garlic bread with a fork, and actually how I typically eat almost EVERYTHING with a fork, including pizza. She decided that it would be a fun prank to steal all of my silverware, so I wouldn't be able to eat. I was like, "Fun for YOU, maybe!" Then I came up with the mental image of me living near Sheryl, and her sneaking into my apartment and stealing all the silverware, and I get home and I'm like, "Sheryl was here." She said she'd just have Gregor do the dirty work for her, but I was like, "Well, then I would still KNOW that it was YOU that told him to do it, so you'd still be in trouble."

All in all that was a good time. After we ate/talked for a bit we parted ways and I went back to Angie's. One of her cats, TeeJay, kept hitting on me. So I decided he's my boyfriend. He's a pretty loving boyfriend most of the time, but sometimes he gets kinda rowdy. I hope he doesn't turn too violent... then I'd have to dump him for being abusive. I won't stand for that kind of behavior in MY household!

I sat on the couch with TeeJay for a while, twittering and watching What I Like About You and Reba, but then I decided I should PROBABLY start the beautification process. So it was at that point that I showered, in Angie's shower, leaving my soap on the floor because she had left NO space to sit things. Crazy woman. Kidding, kidding. Then her showerhead was being mean to me, and kept turning to the side. I'm like, "Hey. You. Face the front, please!" He didn't listen. He just kept shooting his water over to the wall instead of on me. I twisted his neck around... he twisted it back. That thing is possessed, I tell you! POSSESSED!!! But it wasn't that big of a deal, I just like to play things up for the sake of the story.

I just realized I dubbed the showerhead a 'he' and thus I took a shower with a male. SCANDAL. Shh, don't tell anyone. It'd ruin my good girl reputation.

I was really slow in getting ready, but I did leave at the time I intended to leave: 5pm. Which it turns out was NOT the time I should've left, but I could've sworn Angie or Sheryl told me that'd be a good time to leave. Maybe it would've been, had there not been CRAZY traffic problems that day. Apparently there were wrecks on all of the major ways of getting across town. Sheryl said I was behind her for a bit on Allisonville and text messaged me. I don't have text messaging, though, so no such luck with that one. And somehow I ended up getting there WAY after she did. Crazy stuff. On the way over, we definitely passed a pretty humorous wreck... an ambulance had rear-ended someone. Gotta love that.

Earlier, Trav and I had talked on the phone and he was supposedly going to make it, so I told him where we were and his phone was dying. After I got to the restaurant, he called me from a grocery store to tell me that the traffic was bad. I'm like, "Get your butt back in your car and drive down here, lest you miss the movie!" So we hung up and everyone ate (I didn't), and we waited for him to get there. Then they realized since they just ordered, we probably wouldn't make the movie, so we decided to just go to the later showing at 10-ish and chill at Starbucks until time for it. They had me call Gregor to tell him, and he had already bought his ticket. But he was able to trade it for the later showing, so that was cool, and then he came to the restaurant to meet up with us. We kept waiting for Trav, who continued to not show up. I drove to the theater looking for his car, and... no luck. Finally we gave up on him and went to Starbucks, where we played what at this point is my least favorite card game of all time: Fluxx. At the time, I thought I was the only one that didn't like it, but it turns out Shawn doesn't care much for it, and he mentioned someone else that doesn't either, so... there. It's not just me!

While we were playing, I ate a tuna salad wrap thing (which was AMAZING) and a brownie (which was ALSO amazing) and had some of my beloved caramel apple cider (which is ALWAYS amazing). Also, during the game, Trav called me again. He was at his grandparents'. He had gotten VERY lost, for a couple hours, and then gave up. I felt bad that I didn't give him better directions, but what can you do? So we talked for a bit, and they dealt me out of the game (can't complain about that... hahaha). Then we hung up and it was about time for the movie, so we parted ways with Angie (who wanted to go home and sleep) and drove over to the theater. I bought a ticket, and THEN they pointed out that I could've used their 5 buck club passes instead of paying $10 for mine. Oops. Shawn did the same thing I did. We're a couple of geniuses.

Then we saw Hairspray. My 2nd time, their first. Suzi and Shawn didn't really care to see it, but were just along to hang out, and Sheryl and Gregor both wanted to see it. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and loved hearing their reactions, and forced myself not to sing out loud along with the movie, but to just mouth along with the words, which I hope did the trick. It was really hard not to sing during Without Love and Big, Blonde & Beautiful. I think I slipped up a couple times. But that's how it goes. Gregor didn't elbow me or anything, so I assume I wasn't horribly annoying. Or maybe he was just being nice and didn't want to give me bruises. One or the other.

I think everyone enjoyed the movie. I never really heard how Suzi felt about it, so I guess I don't know if she liked it or hated it, but Sheryl said she loved it, Gregor said it was great, and Shawn said it was fun and he had a good time. So I felt pretty good about it, and about myself for coming up with the idea. Yay for Hairspray!!

So after that, we all parted ways, I returned to Angie's, and I stayed up for a bit, looking through the pictures we had taken and checking my e-mail/etc.

The next day, I got up and was rude and presumptuous and went into Angie's bedroom to get the laptop. She came home after a bit, and we hung out and talked, and then she had to leave again. I hung around for a bit longer, then showered/beautified and drove to Suzi's. Got there around 4, about the same time as Shawn, and we went in and watched Great Balls of Fire, the movie about Jerry Lee Lewis, which was pretty fun. Then Suzi had me call Gregor to see where he was, and he was on his way, so he got there shortly thereafter, and Angie came a bit late. At that point we had dinner, which Suzi had so graciously prepared for us (and the others brought things, and I suck at life and didn't for a few reasons).

Gregor put in the new Eisley CD while we ate. Which I hadn't wanted to hear until I bought it, but such is life. It wasn't that big of a deal, although I made a big deal out of it later, as I am a drama queen.

Then we loaded up in Angie's vehicular transport and went to Bloomington. Twas a fun trip. Saw Doug's band play. They were really good... I liked them a lot. Ron and Ian were there, too, and I hadn't seen them in AGES, so that was cool. Ian danced. It was pretty much the greatest thing ever. We took pictures. And apparently I spin him right round, baby, right round, like a record baby, right round, round, round. Good to know, eh?

After the show, we went to Denny's, which was fun, and then we drove home. Listened to the Eisley CD again, and this was the point where I made a big deal out of it, and then apparently Gregor "felt bad" and so he apologized to me for playing it and "ruining it for me." Then I realized me making a big deal out of it was kind of silly, so I told him it wasn't a big deal. I think I said that, anyway. If not then, I told him later.

We got back and parted ways, and I followed Angie back to her house. I once again stayed up a bit and then went to bed.

The next day, I woke up before Angie, so I got on her laptop... again... (are we spotting a trend here?) and then she did wake up and she made me waffles and poured me milk. Thanks, Mom!

Then we watched The Fountain, which is... weird. And then some of the first season of Monk. Meanwhile, I was making phone calls like a crazy person to Jessie, Trav, Shawn, and Suzi, to try to figure out what time to go to dinner, and then Shawn informed us that the Fountain Diner closed at 5, so we had to figure out another place to go. Got ahold of Trav and gave him directions to Angie's, and we finally decided to go to a place in Carmel.

Trav showed up a few minutes late, but not bad, and we went to pick up Jessie and then dropped my car off at the movie theater and rode with Angie to the restaurant. Which was a really fun place, by the way, with really good food. Yay for that. We also met Dan, who I had heard about the night before. It was his birthday. He was a fun guy. He was highly amused by Trav, who was in fine form and going on and on about fictional scenarios, such as how I used to be rich and ran a Chinese Food Restaurant but then lost all of my money, in a typical riches-to-rags story. I also apparently bought a mummy or something and stapled her to my wall to use as a corkboard. Not sure where that one came from. But if you know Trav, you understand how he is, and therefore the idea of him coming up with a story about me using a corpse as a bulletin board isn't really that big of a stretch.

Then we parted ways with Dan and Angie dropped us off at the theater, and we saw the awesomeness that is Hairspray. My THIRD time, and it was just as great as the first two. As I predicted, Trav sang along and commented on things that were different from the Broadway version. I told him to sing quietly because the place was packed and I didn't want to annoy everyone around us. I didn't expect him to listen to me, but he actually was pretty quiet for Trav. I was impressed. He was quite loud during Ms. Baltimore Crabs and Without Love, because those are his favorite songs from the musical. Otherwise he behaved quite nicely. Way to go, Trav.

Après le film, we went to a bar. Oh yes, we did! I think I probably mentioned some of this part of the story in one of my last entries, but I don't remember, so I'm telling it again, and you'll just have to DEAL WITH IT!! :)

Anyway, I got a pina colada, because I love them. Trav was riding my last nerve at this point, trying to force me to try things I didn't want to try or waste money on, and it was a good thing I stood my ground, because the thing I did taste that he tried to get me to buy was NAAAST. Yay for me being bullheaded, at least in this case. It worked out. Mmm... pina coladas.

Then Trav said the bartender liked me. I'm like uhhhh... no... he was just flirting with Jessie a second ago, he likes her. Or maybe he was flirting with us both, but as I'm Allison I would have NO idea anyway. I naturally assume he wasn't, as Jessie's super beautiful and deserves to be the one flirted with. But whatever. I guess we'll never know, eh?

After that, we dropped Jessie off and then went back to Angie's, where we hugged and he left, and I got online for a bit and then went to bed.

Oh, I didn't mention it, but plans had changed. I was supposed to leave Sunday, but decided since I'd be out doing stuff late, it would be better for me to just stay and go home in the morning on Monday. So that's what I did, thanks to Angie being super hospitable and awesome and letting me stay an extra day. Actually, thanks to her for being awesome and hospitable in general and letting me stay with her for the weekend. Twas super fun, and I loooove her house. Even though she had to take me through a list of warnings... hahaha. That's OK. Quirks give things character.

Got up Monday morning to an... interesting... e-mail. So I stayed around a bit longer to take my time in answering that, then went home. The drive home was interesting. I had a lot on my mind. Then when I GOT home, I was faced with more stuff to think about. And then things got a little crazy. Got into a few fights with people... but also some positive things happened, too. It was very odd. A very strange day.

Tuesday, I went to my grandma's w/ my mom. She swam, and I drove to town in search of some newly released CDs. Found the new Mae album at Wal-Mart, and asked the OBNOXIOUS guy working there if he knew if they had the new Eisley album. Instead of really looking like a normal human being would've done, he pointed me to the New Releases rack.

1. How stupid do you think I am that I wouldn't have already CHECKED the New Releases rack?

2. Most times when CDs I want come out, they don't even PUT them on that rack, they mix them in with the rest of the CDs OR they're idiots and leave them in the back. So it's possible there were some in the back, he was just too stupid and lazy to check.

3. He made some dumb comment about, "If it just came out today, it won't be in for a couple weeks." Um, how long have you worked here? Do you have a brain? Have you ever been around at midnight on CD release day? Apparently not. I have. They ALWAYS come in the DAY OF. There have been countless times I've come at midnight and they had them right there. Stupid freaking moron...

Sorry. But really.

After that little escapade, I decided I'd check the only other option in town (Warsaw is pathetic) for good newly released music: Sam Goody. Had a much better experience there.

And this is nothing against Wal-Mart or Wal-Mart workers. I love Wal-Mart, and USUALLY when I go in looking for something, it's there, and the people are intelligent and helpful. This guy is just plain a moron. That's the only explanation I can think of. I've never had an experience like that at Wal-Mart.

But in stark contrast, the lovely young man at Sam Goody was beautiful and I want to have his children. Kidding, kidding. But he was great. First of all, he was setting up a sign outside when I got there, and thus was going in at the same time I was, and held the door for me. First sign of an awesomely cool guy. Then, I went in and went straight to the New Releases rack, and had JUST started looking at it (and btw, it wasn't on it, so there you go with my prior statements about it not necessarily being on the New Releases rack) when lovely Mr. Sam Goody Employee comes over and asks if there's anything he can help me find. Why yes, beautiful young man, there is INDEED something you can help me find. So I asked if they have the new Eisley album, but that I forget the name. He thinks for a second, then leads me straight over to the rack, pulls out two copies, one with a limited edition DVD and one without. Holds them up, explaining the differences and the prices. I can't contain my joy. I pick the one with the DVD. I head up to the register. He follows, "I can go ahead and take care of that if you're ready." Why yes, kind sir, I AM ready.

Then he offered me some disc cleaner, which I promptly turned down. But ya know what? He was mad cool, and THAT'S the kind of service I like to get. Way to go, Mr. Awesome Sam Goody Guy. You're the man (in the cool way, not the 'society is out to get me' way).

After that, I drove back to my grandparents' listening to Mae (which, by the way, is an awesome album), and then I had to help my grandma, aunt, and mom set up for the garage sale. We got done relatively quickly and Mom and I went back to Warsaw to the movies. We saw Hot Rod. It's pretty hysterical. Had I been with friends instead of my mom, it would've been a lot funnier, so I think I should see it again. Possibly with one of you people. Cara? You know you love Andy Samberg and The Lonely Island, I KNOW you'd find humor in Hot Rod. I just know it. So we should go whenever you get back from Cali. Aight? IT WILL HAPPEN! I WON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER! YOU PATHETIC...

Sorry, I like to yell at her in all caps. She'll understand.


Then we came home, and I don't remember the rest from that day. The next day (aka yesterday), I went with her to the school to set up her classroom. I was in a really bad mood at the time, but putting together cute bulletin boards kind of worked as therapy in the situation. However, that was smashed to pieces when I got home. But later in the day I was OK again. These things happen. And a lovely friend of mine really helped me feel better. So thanks go out to you. You may or may not know who you are. And I'm not gonna clear it up for you. Ohhhh snap. The mystery.

Last night, during dinner, my bro was home from work and wasn't going straight to bed, so our whole family sat down and watched Hot Fuzz, which Gregor was so kind as to let me borrow. That was a lot of fun. Gory, but funny. By the power of grayskull!! Crusty jugglers. (Crusty jugglers.)

I also spent some time watching Gilmore Girls with my mom. And a hugely bad storm came through around 11-12-ish, so the internet wouldn't stay on and the power went out a couple times, and our satellite was out, so watching Gilmore Girls DVDs was about all we could do, anyway. But that was good. Gilmore Girls make me happy, especially since we're into season 2 when Jess enters the scene. I always loved Jess. He's soooo funny and sarcastic. Gotta love that.

Today... I didn't have to do anything. I applied for a couple jobs. I've been home alone all day. It's been pretty great. And my spirits are up from the past few days. Hopefully they'll stay up. I think things will be OK now.

Life is good.

I still need to find a job, but I guess I'll find one when I find one. Until then I need to just be OK with where I am.

And I think if I don't find a job soon, I'm going to start working part time at Kohl's. They'll hire me right away, because tons of my family work there now. Might as well get some extra cash and not sit around the house all day, eh? Why not...

Alright... I think that brings us up to date. Later, hooligans.

grandpa f, carmel, movies, bloomington, hot rod, cell phone, mom, home, fountain square, computer, justin, eisley, grandma f, kohl's, crazies, indy, kim, trav, suzi, garage sale, twitter, cara, music purchases, gilmore girls, gregor, jessie

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