Jun 06, 2007 16:14
I just saw the opening to the TV show version of The Emporer's New Groove, and oh man. It's pretty amazing. It's basically a theme song all about Kuzco (sp?) and if they get off track he steps in and tells them to sing about him some more. Heck yes.
Shut up. That's NOT me. Quiet!!!
My roommate freshman year at AU spelled quiet "quite." I thought it was pretty funny. She wrote it on our dry-erase board once when she took a nap. I laughed REALLY hard.
Today I've done... absolutely nothing. Well, OK, that's a lie. I've done stuff. I sat around in my pajamas. I made Spaghettio's. I watched Hannah Montana and Boy Meets World. I set up Google Reader (thanks to Gregor for being awesome and giving me a detailed description of how to do it). I... woke up? Clearly I didn't do MUCH, so that's why I said I've done absolutely nothing. Oh, I also had to make calls because my dad is stranded at my grandparents and I had to contact my mom to go pick him up. That whole situation confuses me a bit. But oh well, I don't really care. Ahh, I'm such a loving daughter. Hey, shut up. At least I made the calls for them. I do SOME things right!!
OK, I rarely put these in my LJ, but I thought it'd be fun to mix it up a bit instead of using Xanga. (I'm getting REALLY bored with Xanga.) Stolen from Jael (and some of these I'm going by last name):
A - Anne
B - Steph
C - Cara
D - Donald
E - Miranda
F - Jeff
G - Gregor
H - Anna
I - Isha
J - Jael
K - Kyle
L - Laura
M - MacKenzie
N - Nicole
O - Curt
P - Pam
Q - ------
R - Ray
S - Susan
T - Travis
U - Matty
V - Vanessa
W - Stephanie (it's not her last name YET, but I wanted her on here)
X - Christina (yeah, I cheated on this one)
Y - Sara
Z - Sarica
1. What does A IM you about?
It's pretty rare that she IMs me, but when she does it's usually just to catch up on life because we typically don't see each other very often.
2. How many siblings does B have?
One sister, Kendra.
3. What is C's nickname?
CONCENTRATION. Face. She doesn't really have one, I just like to be obnoxious.
4. How do you get to know D?
Uh... you don't? He's pretty easy to figure out, actually. Just talk to him a few times and you've got it.
5. How desperate is E?
Not at all, that I know of.
6. How much is F older/younger than u?
He's about a month younger than me.
7. Name of G's best friend?
I don't really know. I'm not sure if he has one. My guesses... Doug or Sheryl?
8. Does H know I?
9. What happens if J becomes your enemy?
I don't think that'll happen. Unless I do something to make her mad, which has happened before, but we never became enemies, so... if she ever does... I guess I won't have anyone to play Literati with. And I'll lose my free shrink. haha Oh yeah, and lose a good friend, too. That. :)
10. Under what conditions will K & L get married?
Under no conditions. Kyle is already married, and Laura is engaged to someone else. Plus they would NEVER work together. Never ever.
11. How many people do you know with M's middle name?
Nobody. She's got a pretty unique middle name: Denae.
12. Do you enjoy talking on the phone with N?
We never have talked on the phone, so I don't know.
13. Do you think O knows P?
14. How geeky is Q?
Q doesn't exist. Sorry. But if Q is geeky and single, give him my number.
15. Is R very popular?
I think he is. He's a lovable guy.
16. What happens if S likes you?
Susan DOES like me. We're involved. Kidding, kidding. (Or am I?)
17. Is T a very random person?
Yes. Yes he is. And very odd.
18. How are U and V related?
Matty and Vanessa... they both went to AU at one point, and were in the music department. They can both sing really well.
19. Do you take W as anything else other than a friend?
Nope, her fiance would probably be jealous.
20. When is the last time you met up with X?
I met up with her... a few weeks ago, when I stayed with her during my trip to Indy.
21. Are Y & Z enemies?
I'm not sure if they've met, but I doubt they'd get along.
22. Of everyone from A - Z, who do you love the most?
Psh. I don't answer such questions as these.
23. Will you betray any of them?
I don't know...? Betray HOW?
24. Have you confessed to anyone from A - Z?
I'm sure I have, in one way or another.
grandpa w,
kyle hopkins,
matt ulrich,
laura cooper,
boy meets world,
grandma w,