May 27, 2007 22:12
I'm doing much, much better today. After my little spout of depression yesterday, I basically forced myself out of it. I ended up getting offline (which was part of the problem), going out to the living room, and watching TV with the fam. We watched some late night talk shows we'd recorded on the DVR from the night before, of Craig Ferguson mostly. Craig never ceases to cheer me up. I'm not sure what it is, but I find the man hysterical. Every. Time. He even does the exact same things every time, and it STILL cracks me up. So then I was in a better mood.
I'm losing track of the days now... so I don't remember what I did after that. Maybe I just got back online. But I ended up finding that facebook had changed, so I started messing around with that, and got addicted to and rated movies on that for like... hours. And hours. And it was fun, so I got in an even better mood, just from that, and then went to bed.
Had a dream that I got to meet Elton John, but didn't have my camera. Sad day. haha
Then today, Anne called me and then I showered and got around and she came over and we hung out. Usually we don't have anything to say to each other, but since it's been so long since we've hung out, we had tons of stories and ended up just talking on the couch for like 2-3 hours. Then Mom came home and I asked her if she'd like if we got pizza for dinner, so she called Pizza Hut to order and we loaded up and drove to pick something up at Wal-Mart and then pick up the pizza. That was nice, to get out of the house, and then we came back and watched Cats & Dogs while we ate. I LOVE that movie. So much. So does Anne... we were dying laughing. Yay!
I remember when we (Anne, Busso, and I) saw that in theaters. And laughed harder than all of the little kids that were there to see it. We = awesome.
She left after the movie, and then I got online and got to talk to Trav, Gregor, and Cara, which was fun. Now I'm talking to Jael... and yeah. Today is a lot better than yesterday and the day before and... days before that. Life is good. Hopefully it stays this way. I need to make more plans to hang out with Anne and Busso. Busso said she's here until the end of July, and Anne is around until she gets married, so... until I get a job, we'll all be around here, probably.
Well... that's about all I've got for tonight, kids. Have a good one.
mental health,
movie night,
craig ferguson,