I learned how to laugh and I learned how to cry

May 22, 2007 11:50

I learned how to love and I learned how to lie
So you'd think I could learn how to tell you good-bye
You don't bring me flowers anymore

Classic song, man. CLASSIC.

So... I'm still cooped up at home. I've got cabin fever. Remember how I lost my MIND over Christmas Break? Yeah, that whole thing is setting in again and I'm about to lose it again. Last night I went completely crazy, and Jael and Cara struggled to keep me in line but it didn't really work. I don't know what's wrong with me, but this stuff didn't used to happen when I lived here. It's just like all of a sudden, now that I haven't lived here for a few years, that I can't stand to live here. It's the strangest thing. And it doesn't REALLY have to do with my family... I think it's just the distance from friends. Maybe.

I'm thinking that soon-ish I would like to take a short vacay... possibly to Indy, since that's where EVERYONE is. Maybe Susan, Miranda, and Anita would let me stay with them for a few days? That could be cool. We'll see.

I applied for a couple jobs yesterday. Well, one job and the other I just sent my resume in. The one job sounds pretty amazing and perfect for me, so that'd be pretty sweet. I'm not making any plans, though, cause it'll probably be a loooong process before I find a job. I'm gonna try to do some more tomorrow. I'm taking a day off today. hahaha I say that as if I'm really soooo stressed out. I do nothing all day long. But oh well.

I finally watched the series finale of Gilmore Girls. It was pretty great. I loved how they ended it with the exact same scene as the ending of the pilot... and Rory got a job, Logan DIDN'T COME BACK (heck YES), and of course Luke and Lorelai got back together (as everyone knew they should/would).

I'm glad they stopped the show at this point. It was a good ending spot, and it keeps the integrity of the early seasons. I'm happy with it. And ecstatic that Logan is BYE-BYE. hahahahaha I'm sorry, I never liked him. Now I can dream that Rory ends up in New York with Jess, as I've always wanted.

OK... enough of this. I'm going to the bank around 3:30 to set up a savings account and cash all my graduation checks, which will be fun-ish. So that means I have to shower at some point...

I guess I can swing that.

Good day. I SAID GOOD DAY.

mental health, susan, mom, home, cara, jael, gilmore girls, justin, dad, indy

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