Mar 22, 2007 08:55
The weather was beautiful yesterday. I have a feeling that beauty is over today, though, as it's storming out right now. My guess is the cold will be back. I'm hoping otherwise. (Although I'm not ready for summer weather... but I like the cooler type of warm weather that we had yesterday.)
After classes, in which I found out that I got a 93 on my marketing test (boo-ya) and we did our marketing presentation, which I think went really well. I showed a clip from Office Space, and the group used a couple of my other ideas for their clips (Talladega Nights and Zoolander). We were showing product placement in movies. It was kind of fun, for a presentation, so I enjoyed it a lot more than last time. Also, I felt like I contributed since I was prepared for our meeting with four possible movie clips and had read about our topic when nobody else had done anything. So yeah... I felt like I actually did something for once this semester, and I felt good about it.
Took a nice nap with the window open and a cool breeze coming in yesterday afternoon. Played some nice music. Music sounds better in the spring with the window open. Way happier. I don't know how to explain it. Maybe it's Spring Fever's effect... but it's nice.
After dinner, Trav and I went to the library so I could take an online quiz for courtship & marriage (on which I got a 94, as opposed to my previous 71), and then we went to a night-session chapel service. It was the guy that wrote Every Young Man's Battle. He's here all week to talk. A couple of years ago I would've given a crap, but quite frankly I don't right now. It would also be better if that's the topic he's talking about, but he's been talking about health and eating right and stuff, which serves nothing but to tell me that I'm fat and thus I'm going to hell. Which is always a joy to hear, eh? No, but it's just not relavent to me right now. Because I've started trying to eat better anyway, and as soon as I get over my illness I'm going to start working out, so... I kind of already know that I should be doing these things.
Plus he talked slightly about depression being a gift from God in certain circumstances. Except what he was talking about wasn't real depression, it was trials and problems in everyday life that bring you down. He wasn't even dealing with the real thing. I wonder if he knows that the real thing does exist, and that it's a disease. Hmm. Probably not, or he wouldn't call other stuff by the name depression.
After a guy asked him about relationships, he did talk about that and he does have good things to say there, which of course is why his books are so great, so that was nice, but he only talked about that for like 2 minutes before we were dismissed.
He's here again today, and I'm not looking forward to going and listening to him. We'll probably just zone out again, or laugh. We were pretty disruptive last night, not gonna lie. Trav was drawing on the newspaper in Sharpie, and there was an ad for the army in there, so he took the opportunity to draw on the guy jumping from a plane. He drew a cross in one hand, and an American flag in the other, and drew a halo on him. It was stinking HILARIOUS. So we kept losing it every time we looked at it. People stared. It was funny.
After that, we took off cruising and ended up going to a park that wasn't lit well so that was pointless, and then went to his grandma's and had ice cream and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Mmmmmmmmmm.
OK... that is all. Update on my final midterm grades:
Music Lit.: B
Marketing: A (she finally updated it)
Human Sexuality: C+
Women's Chorus: A
Advanced Grammar: A
Courtship/Marriage: B+ (better than I expected)