
Feb 01, 2007 00:27

Soooo... that last entry was kinda bitter, eh?

Let's see, what to tell...

I skipped Marketing this morning to study for my test. After studying, I still didn't have a clue what I was talking about, so that was disheartening. I went to Grammar class, where I zoned out the entire time (that class is super easy for me), and then to Human Sexuality, and then to Women's Chorus.

We did voice matching today. I hate voice matching, because at some point it means I have to sing by myself or with just a few other people, and therefore my voice gets heard. Not to mention at one point while I was singing I screwed up my technique and she corrected me. Well, get over it, people. I was in a grouchy mood and in no place to remotely care about Women's Chorus. We also did sectionals, which are a complete waste of time. Meh.

After that, I went to Music Lit. That was the test I was referring to (which I think I mentioned, but I'm not sure). The one I had no clue about. But I walk in and I'm talking to Ethan because I ran into him in the hall, and basically he was even worse off studying-wise than I was, so I felt a bit better. Then we got into the room, and just about EVERYONE was saying the exact same thing. I felt a LOT better. And THEN... Adam (my stalker) was talking to me, because for some reason people must associate Stranger Than Fiction with me and he finally saw it, and so he was quoting that and then we started quoting other Will Farrell stuff, and it got pretty hysterical. So... needless to say, at that point I didn't care at all about stupid Music Lit. or Renaissance polyphony (as if I EVER care about that, but you get the point) and was having a good time.

But then the test came. The multiple choice wasn't bad. I actually think I knew most of those. But then we got to the listening part (where she plays 40 seconds of a song and you have to write down (from memory) the title, the composer, and the date it was written). I only knew about half of it. On the rest I either left it blank or guessed. Not fun at all.

Then the essay, which luckily was the choice that I studied this morning, so I remembered at least half of the points we needed to remember. The other half I guessed or just left out. Hopefully I did alright on that, but you can never be sure.

Next time I need to start studying when she gives us the study guide. Yeah. That might be a good plan.

After that I was defeated... and I was walking back toward my dorm, in the snow, really slowly and freezing to death but I was having fun ignoring the world around me and staring down at my feet as I walked across this frozen tundra... haha. I was like testing myself to see if I could walk on the ice w/out falling. About halfway back I realized I forgot to get lunch. So I turned and trudged through the snow and got food and came back and ate/watched Veronica Mars. Then I took a nap. It was nice. I should take more naps. I always get too distracted.

Then dinner w/ Trav, Cara, and Susan, which was nice. Love them.

Then I went w/ Trav to Blockbuster and we rented Funny Girl (the Barbra Streisand movie) and took it back to his apartment to watch. It's really long. And it drags. It's decent, but the best parts are (of course) the parts where Barbra sings. Because well... she's amazing. Not to mention funny.

And the lead in the movie is CREEPY. CREEPIER THAN CREEPY. But he's really funny, too, because he randomly starts singing to her and the song goes, "I am man, you are woman, let's kiss." Yeah, it's pretty hilarious.

After it FINALLY was over, Trav dropped me off here and I ACTUALLY. WAS. PRODUCTIVE. Oh, I'm pretty impressed with myself.

I cleaned my room.

Granted, I still have laundry in the basement. Yes, some of it's still wet. And it's been there since yesterday. Do I really care? Hmm. Not really. I refuse to go down there tonight.

Other things I did... ran spyware checker thingies and restarted my computer. It's going faster now. Thank goodness.

I also found a new picture for my wallpaper. It's of the Hush Sound playing with balloons. It's cute and makes me happy.

And I added a Hush Sound song to my MySpace, because they finally grew brains and added my favorite of their songs.

I got money in the mail. From my mom AND my grandma. My grandma's letter said to spend it on going out to eat. When do I ever really go out to eat? Hmm... never. But I think I'll spend some of it on a Barbra Streisand CD. Because I don't think I should live another day without one.

Last week at Wal-Mart I mentioned that I want to buy one of her CDs and Trav started laughing at me. "Did you just say what I think you said? Barbra Streisand?" "Uhhhh... yeah. I love her." "OK, that's the last thing I thought I'd ever hear you say."

Well whatever. "Unpredictability's my responsibility, baby."

susan, blockbuster/family video, trav, women's chorus, snow, 5:00 dinner, mom, cara, myspace, adam howell, au, music purchases, grandma f

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