First of all, something I wrote in response to one of Cara's journal entries. I just thought I'd put it here to give her greatness more publicity (and also so I could remember what I think of her). Here goes:
Oh, so we both get overly dramatic after 12, eh? Good to know... ;)
I'm not sure if this helps at all, but...
I don't just tolerate you. I look forward to each and every time we spend together because you brighten my day and my life couldn't possibly live up to how it is right now if you weren't in it. I respect you, I appreciate you, and I admire you. I probably don't show this enough, but it's true.
I've never viewed you as shallow. At any point. You're one of the deepest people I know, actually. That's one of the best things about you. I know you're noticing things other people don't notice. I know you care about things other people don't care about. I think that's something we have in common, although your depth is more visible than mine in most cases.
Even if you have no other purpose in this life (which, clearly, I assure you, you do)... you've touched mine and others' lives in a positive way and that's something lots of us have trouble doing. You do it effortlessly, and you don't even realize you're doing it.
You've never been less than good enough for me. You've actually be more than adequate. No one (and I mean no one) can make me laugh like you do... and nobody seems to appreciate me the way you do, either. I'm so grateful for your analysis and the way you notice things about me and seem to like me despite my flaws. Most people can't look past them, but you always have. I love that.
So if you're ever looking for something constant... you know I never change. I'm always Allison and I'll always be the same. You can count on that.
Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow... brunch? If so, I'll try to be on time this time...
- Allison
OK... second of all,
Today, I was awaken at 6:30am by TRAVIS because he felt like bugging me and waking me up. He kept calling and calling and calling so I ended up leaving the phone off the hook for a few minutes until he stopped trying and then I went back to bed. That punk. Later on, after getting around, Trav came here and saw my room and then we went to pick up Mack and went to the Lemon Drop, which is CLOSED for the weekend (LAME). So we went to that Penn Station place, which was alright but definitely not one of my favorite places (I prefer cold subs... and there was something about it that just didn't agree with me). Then we went to Family Video so I could return High School Musical and we looked at other movies but didn't end up getting any. Next we went to Trav's apartment and watched Breakfast At Tiffany's. It was mine, but I had gotten it cheap at Wal-Mart and never watched all of it. I wasn't very impressed for most of the movie (probably just because of the mood I was in at the time (as I said, Trav, I wasn't in the mood for that kind of movie)) but it got better at the end when the guy told Audrey's character off. I liked that. I love in movies when people get told off and realize that they've made mistakes and learn from them and everything ties back together. I wish people would realize their mistakes more in real life, but most people just ignore the fact that they're being idiots and go on being idiots. People are so stupid.
Moving on... after that he must've wanted to get rid of us, cause we left and he dropped us both off and basically refused to take me to dinner anywhere (I have no car). So I went back to my room, in an overly emotional PMS-esque state, and bawled my eyes out for a good 15 minutes. Then I started looking up pictures of Jimmy Stewart online and calmed down when someone knocked on my door. It was really light knocking, and my music was up loud, so I barely heard it and by the time I answered the door the person was gone. They wrote a message on my dry-erase board that said "Hey you, so much for hanging out. - Guess who?" I was like who in the world could this be... so I called up everybody I could think of and none of them were the culprit. Finally I called Jael and it was HER. She was down in my RA's room, so I went down and hung out w/ them for a few and then Jael came and saw my room after my RA left. Then... I walked with Jael to her house and then to DQ (also with her housemate) and then we went back to her house to eat and watch Saturday Night Fever.
After that fabulous experience, they dropped me off here and I settled in for the night. I ended up putting in Runaway Bride. I LOVE THAT MOVIE. One of the best movies of all time. I stand by that claim. It's just SO good. (The music is amazing, too.)
I'm loving this year so far. I've had some issues with certain people (mainly just one) and I'm trying to figure those out and work through them without confronting the person (because that would just make it worse). Otherwise, though, I've been spending a lot more time with people than I usually do, and going out to do things with other people. I miss my car, but not having it is kind of giving me an excuse to see other people to make them drive me around... haha. Sad, but true. Spending time w/ Jael at her house today was soooo great. I'm so glad she was over here, or it probably wouldn't have happened.
I'm excited to see what else this year will hold.