if you initiate, you get to do what you want

May 10, 2011 20:52

My mom is clearly an awesome lady.  She turns 60 tomorrow.  Everyone is asking if she feels depressed about this, which she doesn't, mainly because she is cool, but also because she feels much better physically than she did in her 50s (on account of her most recent back surgery).

My mom, like the matriarch Sarah, lives all the days and nights of her life.

There are ladies who totally want to be my mom's best buds.  I inspired her to initiate activities with them (since they're totally hinting that they wanna be invited out to do stuff but they're being girly about it and not suggesting activities themselves).  Despite their/our feminine socializations, this is not the 1950s, and we don't hafta wait around for men to invite us out.  If you initiate, you get to do what you want!  Arise, Lady Mover-And-Shaker!

I oughtta take my own advice.  I dunno what other people like to do.  I like festivals, and things that involve walking around while looking at things.  Also, things that I've never tried before.  Anybody wanna go rock climbing?  Hey let's go to a Renaissance festival.  Also when Simon's feeling a bit better we can all go spin some fire, that's always fun times.

Simon gets back tomorrow!

family, gender, making a difference

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