Jun 10, 2007 22:04
So, when I was showing someone that I did in fact have a live journal page, when my profile home page thiny loaded the kick ass picture I had as my back ground was gone. It was a bummer. Anyways, based upon the encouragement I got after my last post, or maybe it was the heckling, I have decided to post again. This has nothing to do with me not wanting to go to the gym tonight. Speaking of which, I also blew off my first ever yoga class this morning because my legs hurt from yesterday's jog. The problem with joining a 24 hour gym is that you really cant put off going by making it later on in the evening. Well, you could if you didn't stay up until 2 am like I do. Anyways, the love handles are still there, but my gut is going down, which is the whole point. I think what really pushed my gut to the "OK, I need to go to the fucking gym." was quitting smoking 6 months ago. I didn't gain that much weight, but it has this secret gathering place below my belly button. So, that was really all that came to mind immediately for stuff to type out. I have a headache from something, most likely watching anime and not drinking enough water. I quit playing WoW about 1 month ago. A old WoW friend who had quit about 6 months ago told me, "It's a waste of life." and it really rang true. Also, my wrist was really bothering me the last few months, and I'm pretty sure playing WoW caused/exacerbates it. Hmm. I thought I had my brother Todd as a friend on here, and was surprised when he didn't respond to my last post. Perhaps the epicness of it scared him off. My friend Brenden got engaged and has asked me to be in the wedding. Thats a new one for me. Hi Carol! Hello Mer.