Mar 13, 2014 21:53
So I've been approaching online dating much like I approach a job hunt. Namely -- set parameters, but look at all the options even if they don't fit my parameters (and by looking at these options verify the importance of said parameters), send messages to anything that looks potentially fun or interesting, and promptly forget about them. Expect nothing, AND FOR GOODNESS SAKE DO NOT SIGN UP TO KNOW WHEN THEY READ THE MESSAGE. THAT WAY LIES MADNESS.
It's given me very few results, possibly because I sometimes send messages like, "The tie in that photo is fascinating," and "Are you in fact a successful goat farmer?" and "I guess that means I'm pretty cute, huh?" Well, if it's going to work out he needs a sense of humor!
However, the send-and-forget method of casting the net wide-ish was a good call, because the other day the first guy I ever sent a "flirt" to ugh ugh hate that term uncleeeeeeean messaged me back, like, a month after my message. Just like a job application! I had to refresh my memory because I'd completely forgotten he existed, but.... daaaang, boy is cute. And composes music. Plays cello.
He's a truck driver, so he's not in town a lot, but he's coming back through town this weekend and wants to know when our church starts. And gave me his number to text him! So, I may be meeting this guy pretty soon? And will most likely be starting to text him? !!! This is after a handful of messages back and forth on the website, so I'm... kinda surprised, to be honest! But he's coming by church, not by my house. Church is actually a pretty sensible safe neutral meeting ground. I like it!
So yeah, I'll let you know how that one turns out!