Mar 15, 2008 18:46
Finished "During the Rains". It was entertaining, and nostalgic, as all his work is from what i understand, but once again, hes too overly non-chalant with these female characters picking up, being whores, and liking it.
Saramago, Jose - "The Tale of the Unknown Island" = Typical example of what i like about Saramago. Timeless, romantic, open and honest, and challenging in the sense that he challenges the lens that I use. Nice short story. I wish he had more short stories, at least more translated into english.
Sinclair, Upton - "Oil!" (Begun) = the book that "there will be blood" was, apparently, loosely based on. So far, interesting, though not as initially engaging as "the Jungle" was for me
tale of the unkown island,
during the rains,