Jan 28, 2008 19:13
So I finally got my computer back, in working condition, from those Cocksuckers at Sony. Never again will i purchase a sony product. It only took four months for me to get a working computer after the first one they sent me turned out to be a lemon.
(temporarily purging feelings of violence towards sony)
I am currently waiting for lotro to update the bajillions of bytes they need to update before i can play it. I came to the campus about an hour ago because i still don't have internet set up in my apartment (another fun story). Yet, an hour later the end is not nearly in site =o(. At least i can do all this fun time consuming stuff like update facebook and write my first post in ever.
Im waiting for Tim (my PPWW supervisor) whos gonna come to campus and go on KAOS, Evergreen's radio, and talk about all the fantabulous lobby day stuff weve been doing.
Brief 411 of lobby day: Weve got shit we care about at PPWW, we go yell at legislators to give a shit about it. Its a good mutherfuckin time. with buttons.
Ive just accepted the position of Visibility Team Leader for the Olympia Clinic. It's pretty cool. On fridays, which is the day that doctors come to the clinic to perform surgical abortions, this group called "show the truth" send people with the stereotypical signs of fetuses and what-not. They try to minister to us poor baby-killing peoples, and try to prevent women from going into the clinic.So we have a group that counter-protests, holding up signs that supports planned parenthood, a woman's right to choice, signs with wire hangers sayin "never again". I send out emails reminding people to come, and set up signs, and plan and shit. I have a hard time with the protesters sometimes though. We are not supposed to respond to them, or engage them, for good reason, but last friday i was standing near one ofthem, and he started ministering to a passer by about "partial-birth abortions", and i almost lost it. I know thats a term some people think is valid, but what the fuck is a partial birth abortion?! You would think from the description that during labor, while the baby is passing through the cervix the doctor reaches in and cuts off its head or something.
... they make me feel violent... shhh, dun tell anybody
anyway, think im gonna vote for clinton, not really sure, not really caring anymore. i think theyll both do the kinda things i want, and both fuck up in the same way. Its hard to care anymore when i realize that the kind of government i want, and what i think alot of liberals want to make our system into but aren't willing to admit it, is a socialist-ish system. i dont think either of them are gonna cure all the things i think are wrong with our country.
allrighty, thats enough ranting for one post.
partial birth abortion,
lobby day,