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Mar 10, 2017 19:07

Critical Role; HP!AU; 300w

The day they separate her and Vax she wants to scream. She can't believe it but as always Vax has started screaming way before she could.
“I don't accept it, there has to be a mistake, let me talk to that stupid hat again” he's screaming in their headmaster face. Her stupid, reckless brother. Such a Gryffindor.
Intellectually they know there hasn't been any mistakes, but the thought of being separated. Living for seven long years in different dorms, even if in the same castle, is unbearable.
“I'm sorry, the hat’s decision is final” is what the headmaster repeats for the twelfth time. She can see Vax gearing up for another assault so she steps up, puts a hand on her brother’s shoulder and stops him.
He relents for a second, but then he looks at her betrayed, like he can’t believe she isn’t going to fight for this. It’s incredible how different they are, even when they look so alike.
A direct assault isn’t in their best interest, not really, they aren’t going to change the rules of an entire school by screaming in the face of their headmaster, they are good, but not that good.
“We’ll find a way” she tells him, and he looks at her for a second, gauges the seriousness in her eyes and relents. He still looks at the headmaster with mistrust and hatred, but he doesn’t scream anymore.
Vex doesn’t need to tell the headmaster that she won’t get more than this, she seems to have already gathered as much.
If three years later her presence in the Gryffindor common room, and sometimes her brother’s bedroom (and the same can be said for Vax), is accepted without even blinking, is because Vex is a much better and more subtle planner than her brother.

Voltron; Shiro; 300w

He’s tired and he’s bleeding, he knows he is, and he would like nothing more than just… letting it all go. He could just stop fighting, it would be so easy, how many fights has he had? How many times has he won when he could have just let them end it all.
The champion, what a fucking joke.
What would his family say if they could see him now?
His hands are green with the blood of the alien he has been fighting, his breath comes with difficulty (broken rib? Maybe, or maybe it’s the one from the last fight that didn’t heal right) and his feet are slower than they should be.
He could die right now, and he doesn’t think he would care.
Shiro was broken to the core, not even human anymore most of the time, and struggling to find a reason to keep going. There’s nothing he can do for Matt and Doctor Holt, nothing he can do for the people back home, nothing he can do for Keith.
Even if he goes back, finds a way to escape, he’s a shadow of himself. Broken and battered, without any will to live.
He should just stop and die.
When is adversary comes to him with a scream he stays still for a second before dodging and swiping his weapon, cutting the aliens torso. He uses the momentum to strike again and again.
In the end the Champion wins again, but Shiro is left there, wondering why he keep fighting, why he can’t just let himself die.
He can’t know that one day this stubbornness will be repaid, that for every cut and bruise he will find happiness and friends and a purpose and it will be enough. Now, he’s just the Champion, and it hurts.

Shadowhunters; Malec; Post 2x10; 300w

He runs, he doesn’t remember the institute being this big. His entire childhood he had always thought it was quite small, really, a little claustrophobic.
Now it feels like there are too many rooms too many places to check and his feet reverberate on the marble floor with a certain finality.
He can’t find Magnus.
It’s a good thing, in theory, because if he can’t find Magnus corpse then he’s probably safe, right? He doesn’t know how this works, if maybe Magnus has just been incinerated.
He can’t find Magnus.
Aldertree’s story is still fresh in his mind, the warning “A Shadowhunter can never be with a Downworlder, no matter how much they love each other” and he’s so scared, terrified. He doesn’t want to think about that, he doesn’t want him to be right, he just wants to find Magnus.
He can’t think about Jace, what he has done, because he knows it wasn’t on purpose and being angry at hi parabatai won’t help. If he knows his brother, and he does, he’s already beating himself up enough.
Alec is so useless. He hasn’t been able to help Izzy and now… now he couldn’t save Magnus.
No. He can’t think about that, he can’t…
He steps outside the institute, panting. Magnus wasn’t inside and that’s a good sign, he wants to believe it.
Then Magnus calls him and Alec almost cries. He doesn’t, in the end, he just launches himself at the other, his boyfriends, and hugs him as strong as he can. All his fears, all his worries making his knees wobble.
He had never been this scared, never this frantic and it’s useless, now, pretending that he isn’t deep in this, that Magnus isn’t already so deep inside him.
This terrifies him too, but he can’t stop.

Voltron; Pidge; 300w
The thing is, Kate has always loved her long hair. She isn’t a girly girl, quite the opposite really, she’s always dirty with oil or is often happy to wear her brother’s clothes, she doesn’t care much about make up, or how there could be cuter glasses.
But her hair…
She thinks it’s because, when she was little, her mother would brush her hair and sing to her, content and at peace, and it’s one of the warmest memories of her childhood, alongside the first time her father let her build her first robot. There is nothing wrong in having two sides of her, one that loves science and getting dirty, the other that has a shampoo that costs entirely too much but works wonders for her split ends.
She looks herself in the mirror now, with her brother and her father in deep space, lost to her and her mother and she knows that they are hiding something, she has seen their files, she has listened to their talks.
She loves her hair, but Katie Holt can’t find her family in space, can’t enter the Garrison, can’t discover what has happened to them. So she cuts her hair, she cuts them unevenly, almost crying when she sees the final result.
Katie Holt would never have hairs like this, but that’s exactly the point. She’s not Katie anymore, she’s Pidge and a boy.
This is the sacrifice she has to make, and it will be worth it in the end if she can find them and bring them home, if she can save them and make her family whole again.
Katie Holt can’t do any of that, as much as it pains her to admit it, as much as she want to fight tooth and nail. But Pidge Guntherson can.

Critical Role; Vex/Percy/tary; 300w

The truth is that Vex didn’t really like Tary in the beginning, a little bit was because of what had just happened with Scanlan, his departure and his words still too fresh in her mind, another part was probably how much arrogant he seemed, how callous in his words and ambitions.
They have gone a long way from that, mostly because her friends are dicks, but she’s starting to discover a new part of him, a better part, maybe. The only problem? It seems that this part is a giant fucking nerd and it’s poaching on her giant fucking nerd.
They are on a boat, sailing, and there isn’t really that much to do, so she wants to spend some time with Percy but he’s tinkering. With Tary.
Vex’halia isn’t used to being ignored and it’s not something she takes lightly. So she decides that she’s going to do something about it and goes to their room.
“Darling, are you done?” she asks, when she enters and they are laughing about something she doesn’t know, and doesn’t care in this minute.
Percy looks at her, at her eyes, and he catches up quickly - he’s good that way, her Percy - and nods, with a smile. Tary is a little slower on the uptake, but before Vex can tell him to go and play outside she notices how Tary looks at Percy. Interesting.
“Or maybe you could let me join” she says, with a predatory smile. Percy seems taken aback, but he will understand, he is quick when he wants to, and Tary looks at her as well. He seems intimidated, but interested.
Vex’halia loves having new pets to play with, and sure she loves Percy and he loves her, that doesn’t mean they can’t have some fun with the new puppy.
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