Distracted (A Bajadér, Radjami/Szapáry)

Jun 01, 2009 20:34

Introducing my first ever operetta slash! I feel so cultivated! Ha. I've seen the Operettszínház production of Imre Kálmán's Die Bajadere / A Bajadér a few times, and I told myself I'd see if I can slash Radjami and Szapáry once I see Dolhai Attila and Szabó Dávid in those roles at the same time. I did, and decided immediately I could slash them, and plotted a couple of stories right during the performance (well, "plotted" may be a strong word, but anyway). Here is the first of them, it's mostly PWP teasing rather than much actually happening.

Fandom: A Bajadér / Die Bajader (Kálmán operetta)
Characters: Prince Radjami, Sándor Szapáry
Rating: PG-13 or R?
Summary: Radjami searchs for a distraction before the wedding.

Author's notes/Introduction: For those unfamiliar with the story, Radjami is an Indian Prince who is in love with a primadonna, Odette Darimonde. Szapáry (possibly called something else in other versions of the operetta) is a young Hungarian journalist who is desperately in love with a soubrette of the theatre and tries to impress her by pretending he has had great adventures and knows Prince Rajdami. He doesn't really, but Radjami decides to use him as a witness to his planned wedding with Odette, as he will need two witnesses he knows back from India and doesn't actually have more than one. I totally thought when watching this operetta earlier that I could slash these two, but I needed to first get my favourite actors in each role at once, Dolhai Attila as Radjami and Szabó Dávid as Szapáry. After seeing them this was no problem, because they had such cute interactions together.

This little fic takes place after Radjami has hypnotised (so he thinks) Odette into marrying him, but before the wedding. There'll be a longer fic about events after the wedding once I get around to writing it.

This is unbetaed, because I feel I've showered my poor beta with enough fics and this seemed short enough that I figured I could just trust I've weeded out most idiocies myself, and I felt like posting it right away. If I've left in anything really stupid, you can tell me.

Radjami felt frustrated. He wished something could just make him stop thinking of the whole business with Odette, though it was ridiculous to wish that as tonight he was going to marry her. But it was getting on his nerves. Yes, he was getting her to marry him, but through what means? He knew she would despise him for using his hypnotic powers on her, and he despised himself. The sweet memory of getting to bed her after such a long chase was dimming in the light of what had happened afterwards. He didn't feel right about having done that - she should have come to him of her own will. But when she didn't, what could he do?

He thought of the Hungarian boy, Szapáry, who was adding to the twistedness of his whole marriage ceremony to Odette by supposedly being his witness when they in fact scarcely knew each other. Radjami shook his head at the thought of the youth and couldn't help smiling. Szapáry was such a fool, but was he any more of a fool than Radjami himself was? Both of them were being idiots for women who only played them, and both were willing to go through any dishonesty to get them... and it would ruin them both, he knew. Poor boy, he thought of Szapáry and of himself.

Szapáry was now somewhere in his rooms, being dressed for the wedding ceremony. How ill at ease he would be in those clothes... Somehow Radjami enjoyed the idea of Szapáry ill at ease. He decided he had to go and see how it was going. Of course, he should already be getting ready himself, but what the hell. He'd go there. He could use a distraction, and the young Hungarian was always amusing as anything. He also found the boy endearing in all his foolishness. Speaking to him for a while could be a nice distraction.

He asked the servants until he found out where Dewa had taken Szapáry. When he arrived there, Szapáry was standing around with only his underpants on. The sight made Radjami stop. He had no idea that the young Hungarian would be so attractive underneath his clothes. Sure, even with his clothes on he was pretty as a painted china treasure, but now he seemed a lot more attractive. His body looked perfect, and when he stood there with a confused look on that sweet face and his fair hair adorably tousled, Radjami noticed with a mild surprise that he desired the boy. He walked closer to inspect the boy more thoroughly.

He didn't care if his prolonged staring made the boy twitch uncomfortably and look away. It was delicious in its way. Only after some time did he ask:

"How are the preparations going?"

The boy couldn't get a word out of his mouth, so Dewa replied: "Well enough. We found him a set of clothes which are... adequately the right size."

Radjami smiled. "And what do you think of them?" he asked Szapáry, who blushed. How adorable.

"I... um, your Highness. They look very different from what I'm used to wearing."

"In other words, you think you will look ridiculous in them." Radjami glanced at the heap of brightly coloured clothes on a nearby chair. He looked back at Szapáry then. "The chances are you will, but that will suit you, won't it?"

The boy turned his gaze down. "I suppose so, Your Highness."

Radjami laughed. At least the boy knew he was a fool, which made him much less of a fool. He took Szapáry by the shoulder and shook him gently. "Don't worry, young man. I appreciate your enterprising spirit, if nothing else. I should go to Hungary some time to find out if they all are as crazy as you."

The boy managed to read the goodwill in his eyes and voice, and gave him a slightly ashamed smile. After noticing that Radjami had no intention of moving his hand away from the his shoulder, the boy began to glance around himself in confusion. Good, Radjami enjoyed that. They were so sweet when they were caught and unsure. Radjami stood there, enjoying the feel of the boy's smooth skin and the shoulder muscles underneath, and he looked carefully at the boy and wondered what it would be like to touch him, caress him, perhaps take him to bed... He liked the idea.

He had once upon a time enjoyed bedding pretty young men as much as pretty young women. Eventually he had given up such habits to focus wholly on the fairer sex, but now he thought this boy was as fair as any of them. He had, of course, noticed it even when the boy had his clothes on, and vaguely contemplated taking up that lovely vice again. But the boy's total lack of education and knowledge about the world had been quite a turn-off for Radjami, at least first. He had thought for sure that he could never bother seducing such a creature, who knew nothing of anything and had no culture beyond knowing some French and adoring operetta soubrettes. However, now he began to think again... When he saw the boy stand there almost naked, the surprisingly strong muscles on his slender body tempting him, and a deliciously confused look when he saw the Prince standing there and continuing to watch him... Now Radjami decided he didn't care if the boy couldn't count to ten. He would indeed have distraction enough here.

He continuing looking Szapáry up and down boldly for several seconds, until the boy turned his head away in confusion. Radjami noted with pleasure that he was blushing again.

He said to Dewa: "Perhaps we shouldn't dress him up after all. He looks decorative enough as he is."

Szapáry's turned his gaze quickly back to him, looking astonished. He was blushing even more furiously. Dewa was probably looking at Radjami with quirked eyebrows, but he didn't care to check out. The boy was far more pleasant to look than his old trusted servant. Radjami took his hand off the boy's shoulder but continued to look at him. How delicious it would be to hold that chiselled young body in his arms, to touch him... He began to feel excited again and forget his bad mood.

"You can leave us, Dewa," he said without turning his head. He could hear Dewa bowing and muttering "Your Highness," then he was out.

Szapáry stood back nervously when they were alone, but kept on looking at him, transfixed. Radjami took a short step towards him. Szapáry looked scared and fascinated at the same time, and stepped back again.

"I should tell you a little more of our ceremony, to prepare you," Radjami said.

"Ceremony, Your Highness?" Szapáry allowed him to step closer and stayed still.

"Your role in it, my dear young friend... You're not to say much, which is good - I doubt you would be able to not let more foolishness out of that mouth of yours."

Szapáry turned his gaze down, looking ashamed. Radjami laughed and stepped still closer. Now he could slip his hand around the boy's waist, pressing his palm to the small of his back. The boy gasped and looked up in alarm. He looked alarmed, but his pupils were dark and his breath quick in a way that made Radjami believe he wasn't only afraid. He softly caressed the boy's back with a light movement of his hand, and the way the boy shivered confirmed his suspicions. He smiled.

"You are only to stand in the designated places in the ceremony - Dewa will show you where. In the end of the ceremony, you will sign the document as a witness. You will confirm me that you know me since I lived in Lahore..." He smirked, to remind him they both knew this was not the case. The boy let out a nervous chuckle.

"Your Highness must think me very foolish," he muttered.

Radjami lift up his other hand to caress Szapáry's cheek. "Of course I do. Extremely foolish. Let's not let that disturb us." He leant closer. "You need something from me, and I need something from you... Of course we don't know each other as well as we both need to claim we do, but I'm sure we could... benefit each other. So we should get to know each other better, shouldn't we?"

It was delicious to keep the boy in his hold like this. Szapáry was almost shaking and didn't know whether to look into Radjami's eyes or not. He looked more often than not, and Radjami thought he could read desire in the boy's eyes, too. He stayed that way for a while, enjoying Szapáry's discomfort. Then he let go of Szapáry and stepped away to look at him. Szapáry finally got too uncomfortable under his scrutinization and ran away to the chair where his ceremonial clothes were waiting.

"Um. Shouldn't I get dressed?" He stood there staring at the clothes, clearly not knowing which way he should put them on or whether he wanted to do it at all.

Radjami walked up to him. It was time for part two. "Also, one part of the ceremony you should not forget," he said, and from the table next to the chair he picked up the thin white piece of cloth that would play a part in the ceremonies.

He showed it to Szapáry. "You will take this, hold it in your hands throughout the ceremony, and when I beckon you, you will come close and tie my bride's hand's with it. It will show that she is binding herself to me, and then Dewa will bind us together with another piece of cloth."

As he spoke, he turned towards Szapáry. The boy stepped back nervously. Radjami took a step towards him, Szapáry backed away, Radjami approached and the boy stepped back again until he ended up with his back against a wall. There he stayed, and Radjami moved so close to him they were almost touching. He took one of Szapáry's wrists with one hand, one with the other, and then he pinned both of them up above the the boy's head. The boy squealed a little, but didn't struggle. He seemed to be watching Radjami with the fascination of prey already caught - and wanting to be.

Radjami took both of Szapáry's wrists into one hand, pinning them against the wall above his head. "Of course you will not really tie her up," he said. "Only wind the cloth around her hands... like this." With the other hand, he wound the white cloth around Szapáry's wrists and his hands. There was no need to tie the knot, he only held on to the both ends of the cloth so that there was no chance for Szapáry to free himself. When the boy saw there was no way of escaping, he suddenly stopped being tense and frightened. He just slumped against the wall and waited, watching Radjami with curious eyes. His breathing was quick, his pretty mouth half-open and temptingly waiting to be touch, known...

Radjami pressed still slightly closer to Szapáry, so that his clothes were touching they boy's bare skin and his mouth was only inches away from the boy's. He lift his hand on Szapáry's mouth, caressed the lower lip, then moved his hand down his skin and his neck. Szapáry arched his neck a little at the touch.

"Do you think you can do it?" Radjami murmured to him. Szapáry probably no longer knew what he was talking about and only whispered "Yes."

Radjami's hand moved down Szapáry's chest, carefully feeling that soft young skin and well-defined muscles underneath it. He tried to look for the most sensitive spots on the boy's skin. Szapáry's breathing got quicker, and he gave out a little moan as Radjami caressed him. Radjami smiled.

"If I'd known that they make them so pretty in Hungary, I'd have stopped by there on my travels," he whispered to the boy. His hand moved down to Szapáry's waist and below.

Szapáry struggled a little now, trying to free his hands. Radjami held on and the boy mostly ceased fighting back. But when Radjami moved his mouth closer, the boy managed to mutter:

"Your Highness, we shouldn't - it's a sin, we shouldn't..."

Radjami laughed, his mouth almost on the boy's. "There's a Hindu saying that you can only say something is bad if you've tried it yourself. Don't you think it's true?" And abruptly, he dipped his head down to the boy's neck. He touched the base of Szapáry's neck with his tongue and slid it slowly upwards, licking the boy's neck all the way up to his chin. He took his time to make sure it would feel as sinfully lovely as possible. The boy moaned adorably and completely stopped struggling. Radjami's body was pressing against his.

"Don't you think so?" he repeated when he had stopped licking the boy's neck.

"Oh yes," the boy muttered, completely won over. "Yes, Your Highness."

Radjami was just about to press his mouth on the boy's and so claim his prey. But then there was a knock on the door. Szapáry squealed, Radjami felt irritated.

He didn't bother to make the situation look any less compromising. He only turned his head to see who was entering. It was Dewa, who could be commended for extremely good self-control as he didn't even blink an eye at the sight of the two of them.

"Pardon me, Your Highness," Dewa said calmly. Szapáry was struggling, probably wanting to be out of his embarrassing situation, but Radjami held his wrists tied up and didn't let him go. "I believe there's no time anymore, Mr Szapáry should... finish getting dressed and you yourself need to prepare for the ceremony. I am told by the women that the lady is already in."

Radjami cursed inside his mind. How was he going to focus on ceremony with the memory of Szapáry's unclaimed body and wanting eyes so fresh in his mind? But he knew there was not much time anymore.

"Fine," he said. He pulled back slightly from Szapáry, but not too much. "Please leave us for a moment. I need to finish a conversation with Mr Szapáry."

"One minute, your Highness."

"One minute? I can't even decide the time of my own wedding but am told I must finish a conversation in one minute?"

"You decided it already, and now the preparations must be done in time. I will be back in one minute."

Dewa left and closed the door behind him. Radjami turned back to Szapáry. "I guess we're a little short of time, my dear friend," he said. "I'm afraid we'll have to get to know each other better only afterwards. Will do, I suppose." He breathed against the boy's lips, but he didn't quite touch them.

"Your Highness, please," Szapáry whispered. "Just one." He was offering his mouth to be kissed, looking delicious. How Radjami would have wished for just a little more time, just enough to properly molest this delightful youth. He needed it so much, they both did. But there was no time to go all the way, and the more he would do now, the more distracted he would be in the ceremony. Better wait. There'd be an opportunity later, somehow. So he pulled back and released Szapáry's wrists.

"I'm afraid we'll have to acquaint you with this vice at another time", he said. "Get yourself ready now." And he rolled up the cloth in his hands and walked back with it, dropping it again on the table next to Szapáry's ceremonial clothes. He smirked at Szapáry. "I will see you at my wedding."

a bajadér, fic, radjami, szapáry, slash

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