Have a post from last night, when my internets weren't working. Update on today later, I think.
Feeling most odd right now. I'm pretty sure this has something to do with the fact that I've lost my wallet somewhere in my house, and thus also my venlafaxine, which a) alters my brain chemistry (usually in a good way) and b) has a half-life of around 11 hours, so is pretty sensitive to my missing doses. I'm also fairly sure that something else odd is going on, as I have a rash across my chest, and stomach strangeness, which started before losing the wallet. Bah.
The last couple of days have been oddly up and down, with much househunting and an amazingly lovely house being snatched out from under our (
sebastienne, Ashley WINOLJ and
me_ves_y_sufres) noses. We actually viewed it, decided to allow ourselves one night to be absolutely certain, went into the letting company to pay the deposit, and saw someone else signing the form as we went in. I blame myself partially, for tempting the Fates by saying that if anyone were in there asking for it, we'd just have to club them over the head and throw them out. Also, we chose a name prematurely, settling on the House of Negotiable Affections. Well, they proved to be just a little too negotiable, the cheap little tart!
Still, there are other houses available - one really quite nice which we've seen, and some that sound amazing tomorrow, so All Is Not Lost.
In the wandering around Cowley I also happened to acquire a wonderfully tiny flintlock pistol in Bead Games. This made me unreasonably happy. It also coincided with my receiving a mailshot for next years
Maelstrom, which I am already excited about, and the finalisation of other mask-related shenanigans, at the
Dark Masquerade.
Also had several very strange dreams recently, which I suspect might well be trying to tell me something. (I'm skeptical of the notion that dreams can be genuinely prophetic/meaningful, but I'm pretty sure they're a good flag of the unconscious) Other people's dreams rarely make much sense when recounted, but it had to do with my family finding out I'm bi. I've been thinking about coming out to them at some point, because there's very little I don't share with them, and it feels really shit to have to be hiding stuff from them. Which I suppose is also why I was rather upset recently at my mother's comment on my choice of housemates/friends, "Do you actually know any straight, single girls?", in a
Ha Ha Only Serious fashion. Hmm. A glance over my flist indicates that...
Returning to the 'oh-dear-I-do-hope-these-aren't-mood-swings' topic, I seem to be incredibly susceptible to emotional manipulation by music at the moment. In which spirit, I bring you
Badger Boys, by the Dancing Did (and if anyone else has anything by them, I will love you forever) and
Song For The Asking, by Simon and Garfunkel. And something that made me squee,
Torchwood/Under Milk Wood crossover parody thingy