Well today i have been rather happy after more of less having a mini panic attack in my head over a few items.
Though now i am quite calm and happy becasue LeopardCorgi has finished Kitt a second time over. (first time the fur never arrived so had to use cheap shitty fur and didnt give enough time for me to say the head was wrong. Recieved it and the hands broe cus they were too small (LC didnt use the DTD i gave) and the head was so big i could spin it around on my head. To me the one i got this time last year from her was bad enough that i had to hand make my own paws which i wore to EF and the look of it was sooo bad i refuse to loke at the EF13 photoshoot of me or watch the video of me proposing to Shirik as it makes me physically ill to relise i had to propose to my one true love in something like that)
The new one is so much nicer and im really pleased with how it looks. Just got to wait for it to come now so i can try it on.
Also got Joecifur making the bodysuit and sending it to me so i can be in full fursuit this year *hugs him lots* which is really perking my mood. Though im very sorry that the body is 70 pieces in total
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