Well over the past two weeks there has been much to grrr about at work. actually in the past month or so this has been going on but im glad that its all finally over. Well lets just roll things back to a few months back. For perpose of leaving the persons's id there own we will call the person A.
For a while A has been making it his personal mission to point out any and all flaws that i do in work. miss spelling an indian customers name, writting hte instread of the. Well one day i got a call from a store saying they had a customer there who was told to get a laptop replaced. The store wanted to ask us what hte problem was because the custome was told a much of "tech mumbo jumbo" and didnt understand it. So i checked on our system what the problem was......and there was nothing on the customers file.
Soooooo i asked the store if they could put the customer on the line to see if i could find out what the issue was. Found out the wireless card was not working and indeed needed a replacement but the most interesting thing was that the customer told me that they had been speaking to A for a few hours the night before on numerious calls and even got given A's private mobile number incase the customer had any trouble.
So i talked to two co-workers B and C who agreed that A should of put something after all the times he digs me and others. So i emailed our line manager asking if they could ask A to make sure he has notes on the system for customers, especially ones who were returning faulty equipment.
After talking with B and C a bit more we thought we should raise the point with the lime manager that A should not have given his private mobile number to a customer as it was conflict of interests (he runs his own computer support buisness) so i also emailed that across and thought that would be the end of it........but was i wrong.
Day later A got called to the side my the manager for a talk probably about this. Now he arrived an hour before i left so now he was probably pissed off. I finished half an hour late due to being on the phone to a customer so as i walked towards the stairwell A followed me and confronted me asking if i put a complaint against him. I said that i didnt but i did email the manager about him not doing notes, to which he threatened "right, we will settle this outside work" and stormed off. Originally i was on my way upto HR to give them an application form for a fellow friend who wanted a job where i worked. After i dropped that off i desided to have a work with our old line manager to see what i should do about A threatening me about something i did which was what we are supposed to do.
I dont know what happened after that but about 2 days later when i came in for the first shift i noticed this on the white board "KITT IS A FURRY PHREAK!!" I turned around and asked our line manager to tell A not to put personal comments on me on the public board. Line manager said he would have a word. Now at this point i knew he knew i was a furry and this is where i knew things were gonna be an uphill battle.
A week or so later, while sitting on a train all the way to Haverford West (wales, middle of nowhere where Shiriks mammy and daddy live) i get a text from the co-worker who i got a job for known as D that someone has posted on the ukfur forum pretending to be me and posting shit about me. Now we quickly texted one of the moderators (my girlfriend is one of them but she is sat next to me on the train) and got the thread removed. Once we got to Haverford west and got relaxed we had a look to see what he post was about but sadly the mods deleted the thread all together. After much pleeding someone had the thread on there browser history so we got a screen capture
now i lolled lots at this as there was sooooooooomuch wrong with the picture. So when we got back home i desided to print off the screenshot and keep it incase i feel work should need to see it.
But i hear you say "but how do you know its not him and not some other fur that hates your gutys cus you know there are LOAAAAAAADS OF THEM!?!?!?!?!!111" well the dipstick not only used a work computer to do it (know this becasue the ip address of the poster was the same as the works server) and even used his personal websites email address to register (it actually had his name in the email so its not hard to point fingers) and it was also posted at a time when only 3 people were at work which were A, E (A's personal bum chum (everyone at work including manager thinks this)) and F which is a friend and wouldnt resort to this childish behaviour.
So all this shit gone down i did deside to talk to HR about possible harrasement from a member of staff. After a long talk we desided it would be best to leave it be for the moment as if it was braught up that it would simply fan the flames and personally i wanted things back how they were before.
Few days later the whole team including me get a latter from HR to say A had filed a grievence against me which i was very WTF!!!!!!!!! about. For the last week me and the rest of the team have been having meetings with HR to see what happened and here are the basic points.
Middle of last year Axle found my pendrive that i accidently left on my desk and desided he would look threw it. Now as well as normal files i keep some of my artwork on there, both PG and mature. So he desides to show other members of the team these images
He apparently found a dc with pictures of me doing things in a sexual manner (i have no recall of ever making a cd or at the very most taking it to work with me) and he apparently took it home *shudders*
Claimed that i have been watching movies on the crash laptops during work and not able to take calls. Now here i dont arguee that i watch movies on the crash machine......but so does everyone else in the team. heck right at this moment one of our laptops hard drive has over 100GB of movies and crap. But i generally dont watch movies as nothing good is ever brought into work. So this was a basic lie to just get me in trouble.
Lastly he says i have been looking at pornagraphic material on the work computer. Now this is just wrong, the guy who looks at softcore crap on the computers and wriggles the page 3 girl in your face and goes "coooore i would do ere" and "look at the tits on that" is saying i look at porn?? the only two websites who are even remotely close to that is ukfur (a furry forum with an art section) and furaffinity (though i do agree there is adult artwork on there i only ever go on there to quickly check notes that have been sent to me).
Well today the investigation was finished and was told that A had no evidence of any of this stuff happening (yeah cus there wasnt any to beguin with) and they just said that if i did do such things to make sure i dont bring it into the work place. So im very pleased that its all over and i already know some of the other members of staff agree that its good to be over