couple of good things have been happening lately but also bad things.
- want to say a big well done and yey to rune for Jean arriving into the UK and hope everything goes really well for the pair
- Congratulations to Arti for being accepted as a member of staff where i work. REally hope i dont bore you on the desk or something
- managed to fix my wii with the chip i got for it. Now i can play my backed up disks and leave the originals in there boxs
sadly thats about all the good things that have been happening. Inside im tired, emotionally and mentally. IM lucky if i get any possitive emotions aimed towards me without a negative one rammed right up its ass to make the feeling go sour.......Hope hard is it to see a smile? to just be talked to about nice things. Sadly most of my contacts are like this and its really starting to bring me down to the point where i dont know why i even turn on messenger anymore.
enough of the emo shit from me. back to the grudge of daily life ^,,^;;