Sorry for not updating much....kinda been a bit busy ^_^;;
well lets see whats happening
- just had to pay a £377 loan bill as i have been neglecting to pay it for other reasons
- need to pay the rest of the money i owe joecifur
- got about £200 to spend on xmas presents but have yet to start
- spent all of yesterday ripping my room apart to throw out stuff, ended up with about 6 large binbags full of crap and stuff i would like to keep but see no practical use for
- going to Cardiff at 6pm today to go meet up with Shirik (yey)
- Staying up there till thursday when im coming back and finishing demolishing my room
- Got work friday but when i get home hopefully Shirik will arrive shortly after and i can say "welcome home"
Only downside or bad thought i have is that i feel that when i go to Shirik's, Jacel will want to have one of his world famous 'little talks' that he seems to be doing. End of the day he said all he needed too last time i was there and anymore will more or less go in one ear and right out the next. Im there for Shirik to help her and to be with her and i dont want anything to spoit that.
Dont think thats too hard to ask nye?
Anyway, yey for getting a new Exeter fur.........though its strange, the minute i said Shirik was coming to Exeter, furs keep popping out of the woodworks here. Think we are upto like 13. I think there all here to bow before Shirik's awsome awsomeness and beauty ^_^