
Sep 19, 2004 17:44

Dear Darla Darling,

Hi, I'm Crystal. I don't know you, but I'm sure you know me. Or you will now. I'm debating or not if I honestly feel sorry for you. But, wait that's easy. I don't. Sorry that I'm such a bitch, but you really need someone to slap the fuck out of you. I have never read anyone else's livejournal that is such bullshit. It's so obvious that all you want is attention. How do I know this? Well, I'm no idiot. Anyone who writes constantly about how "emo" and "depressed" they are, isn't. I really hate that you give the "emo kids" a bad rep. I've seen you after 5th period art and coming from a fashion guru, I must say, your no emo kid. You might act like one, only because you are doing it on purpose, and you might look like one, but you honestly look like shit. Your pretty, don't get me wrong. But your clothes are fucking stupid. Yes, they aren't ment for beauty and your not going for the whole original look. But people who dress with fish nets on their hands, and stripped shirts and baggy, black pants is completely Jr. High. Anyone who walks around with their aviators on is a retard. Only people who think they are cool do that. Also, do you think dying your hair black is cool? I swear if one more person dyes their hair black I'm going to shoot someone. Just for the record, you wern't the first person to do that, so don't think that act was in any way original. I'm sorry that your not updated with your look. Oh wait, that's because your trying to be a "gothic" kid. At least try to present yourself in a unique way if you claim to be so "different" or emo/goth. That's the whole point of being emo. You don't dress in Abercrombie, American Eagle, or Hollister. All those name brand places are out. You dress in a all black attire, or weird. Because you tend to go for the already taken look, you are no natural. AKA, you arnet emo.

Then, what's up with this whole "slit my wrist" shit? Are you the only one with problems? NO. So shut the fuck up. In reality, you've got to wake up and face your fears. If you keep living life like this then your never going to see the beauty in it, or realize what a gift it is. It's really pathetic that you use your livejournal as a place to get sympathy. Are you really depressed? Anyone who is depressed, doesnt state it in every entry, they dont even say it. Why? because they are probably at the Dr.'s getting anti-depressents or already killing themselves. If your so into killing yourself and want it that bad, then why havnt you done it already? If your truely as depressed as you say, then why are you still here sweetheart? If you havnt already noticed, everytime you say anytime relatively close to killing yourself, you always have a friend commenting, trying to talk you out of it. If sympathy is all you want, then you have it. So what do you really have to complain about? Your parents? Well that one isnt new. Everyone's parents are a pain in the ass. Live with it, because your gonna have to. You want to know how I see all this? Just like you, just like anyone, I have problems, problems that most people can't relate to, because they arent me. My father, is a alcoholic and almost killed my mother. I wrote a column about it and it's going into the school newspaper, due October 4th. Why did I write it? Not because I want people to feel sorry for me, that is probably the last thing I want, ever. I wrote it because I want people to know that I'm real. To know that I have a story, just like them. If you knew me, would you see me walking around school with my head down, crying after after every period? No. Besides me wanting to stand out, which is why I'm not depressed because that's what people think is what makes them stand out. But its not. Being depressed is not only a trend these days, but it's cliche. Everyone is depressed, and that's why I'm not. Because I don't want to be like everyone else. I'm not everyone whether or not I am depressed. I'd say I'm pretty different, because I want to be, so maybe you should take this as what I like to call "constructive criticism." (stole that one from Sean) You always state that your whining but then say "If we only understood why." You are whining whether or not you say you have a reason to. It's annoying and unneccessary. In other words, your doing it all for attention. There's nothing wrong with wanting attention. Whenever I lack attention, instead of whining, I just come out and say "I want attention" and try to get some. So you try get some.

This is where I really get pissed off. The situation with Mike. And my best friend, Natalie. My friend, Kyle Jones, says this so perfectly and fits you quite well, "Attention Whore." Whore might not be the exact word because you dont mess around with guys, but you are a cocktease. I'm not really clear on the whole thing with Mike and Natalie. Supposidly, Mike liked her, but didn't want to get involved because she obsesses over guys that she likes too much? What? So, here's the deal: Mike and you dated for like a week or something, then recently Natalie tells Mike she likes him, but then he doesn't want to date. Okay. Then your always all over him. Relying on him for a shoulder to cry on and ect. Which reminds me, I'm the girl who was all over Mike that night at Java Jazz. I was touching his delicious six pack and clinging onto him. Trying to make you jealous on purpose. I think it worked. Job well done by me. Anyways, Natalie informs me that you texted her getting mad because she called you a, attention whore to Mike. It made me sick how much Natalie cared about Mike. And everytime she would get upset because of him or you. It pissed me off because whenever Natalie hurts, I hurt. I'm proud to say that she no longer cares for Mike and is over his sorry ass. You said some out of conduct things and I'm mad. Like I said before, your not that only one with problems. In fact, I dont think you even have problems. She did what she did because she's angry at the person who always seems to be there by your side. If I were you, I'd feel like shit. And that would be something to be depressed about. Your the reason why someone is hurting themselves. And it's my best friend. So feel threatened by me. You and Mike deserve each other. I hope you get pregnant. But if your so over Mike, then why are you all over his dick? Dicks are ugly. I send my regards to you and your many future trips to the hospital due to Mike's obsessions with cocaine and other illegal substances. That'll be one messed up baby.

Your what? 16 or 17? Grow up. I don't know you. I don't ever judge anyone I don't know. But after reading your livejournal, and hearing what others have to say, I really feel that I have to say something because everyone else who says something just gives you compliments, and you shove them back in their faces. Why do you do that? You fish for 'em, but then don't take them. But it's because, then you won't have a reason to keep being depressed. Aw. Sad face for Darla. Cry me a freakin' river. So Mike can drown in it, he probably wouldn't even notice because he'll probably be fucked up from morphine. At least he'll be relaxed. Pretty much, you've got nothing to worry about. Call me names, let your friend call me names or stick up for you again, but in the end it all comes down to you. Only you can pull yourself out of that hole you dug. If you want to get anything from this, then take this, stop being a cliche. If you want something to make you happy, then stop being parannoyed about your life and just live it.

To anyone who reads this and who defends Darla, I'd just like for you to know that everything she she whines about is bullshit. She makes up problems to be depressed about. How do I know, because I used to do that. Everyone does it. So instead of telling her what she wants to hear, tell her what she needs to hear.
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