My Poor

Oct 14, 2004 17:56

It all started when Sam wrote in her livejournal about these T.V shows with fat guys with hot wives. I commented of course, saying something among the lines of, "oh yes, I completely agree..blah blah..kind of reminds me of my mom and my dad when they were together." Then this person commented on my comment and said, "riiiiight. and this dave guy isnt fat, bald and ugly? atleast your dad looked like a dad not a grandpa. even dave's money can't fix his ugly disturbing look next to your mom." And of course, it was anonymous. I've just got a few things to say.

Even if by some chance I actually know you, you have no right saying that. Not is it completely rude and unnecessary, it is directed toward my family. I'm used to all those other anonymous posters saying negative things toward me, but when you say something about my family, that's crossing the line. That's when you know someone is truly a coward and an ignorant asshole for leaving a comment like that anonymous. When I read that comment, it left me in shock and my hands shaking.

Do you even know Dave? Well enough to say something like that? Probably not. So that's where you got totally out of line. And even if you did know him well enough, how could you? If it weren't for Dave, my brother, Colby, wouldn't even be in college. If it weren't for Dave, my mother, brother, and I wouldn't even have a car. If it weren't for Dave, we wouldn't of been able to fix up all the damages to our house so we could be able to move. He aids my family a lot in where we have debts, and there is nothing wrong with him helping us out, especially since my dad doesn't even pay half of the child support he is suppose to. He works hard for his money, and hes earned what he's got. It's not like he acts like some spoiled rich guy who doesn't know the value of a dollar and just spends money on whatever. He's a wise spender and saves well. Also, whenever something around the house needs fixin' he's always there to fix it and gets it done, unlike my dad who has a list of things to do since 1978. He's has a positive outlook on life, and he rubs off on the rest of us.

I know it's typical for the public to naturally think women who are gorgeous, and young who have older boyfriends are only dating them for their big fortune, but in my mother's case, it's for love. Anyone who knows her, knows that she is probably one of the nicest people you'll meet (unless you catch her caught up in one of her moments) and is one of the most honest women I know. She is not a lustful person and only divorced my father due to 15 years of verbal abuse that only belittled her more and more. She never cheated on my dad with Dave, she just knew that she had someone who loved her and would help her every step of the way. Anyone who thinks they can just say anything rude about Dave like that, is one of the most ignorant people ever. You don't know any background information about my mom and Dave, and until you know the whole story, it would probably be best if you keep you damn mouth shut.

Ok, yes, my dad did get "Most Handsome" his senior year, and is still somewhat good looking, but why do you think it's necessary to bash Dave? Maybe he's not Mr. Most Handsome, but he has a heart and knows how to show people that he loves them, unlike my father. I'm not trying to dish my dad, but it's very hard for me to have a good relationship with him after seeing everything he's done to my mom the past years, and to me. I've never known him as a father figure, much less the man of the family. People try to use the whole ideal christian marriage as an excuse to blame my mom's decision to divorce my dad. My family believes that divorce is wrong unless your spouse has passed away or uses physical abuse. But when the whole side of your mother's family drives four hours to Houston to take a stand for my mother in her decision to divorce my dad should say something. They are probably the most moral and christian people I know, and when they talked with my mom and her situation with my dad, it was clear that divorce was the answer. My dad might not of been physically abusing my mother, but verbal abuse is just as bad. When I finally saw Dave for the first time with my mom, it was like she was this new person. She smiles everyday now and is just so free spirited and it wasn't because he spoiled her with lavish gifts. If you ask me, she deserves it for putting up with a pig for a husband and five kids. When she was with my dad, she was literally a walking zombie. My house was just filled with negative vibes and that's when I had my three suicidal attempts.

Dave isnt even bald. He's "moderately obese" but is on the yeast free diet with my mom, and they are both rapidly losing weight. Money isn't his first priority, even though you seem to think so. But then again, you don't even know him. I hate it when people talk a lot of shit with no evidence to back it up. You said a lot of hurtful things that really pissed me off. Like I said before, you have no right to say any of that shit unless your my brother and have that whole "your not my dad" attitude to have against him. That's the only way you would be able to get away with that ridiculous comment. And please, the grandpa comment is so overused. If your going to dish someone, at least make it creative or funny. Just because he's 57 is no big deal. People are getting married with huge 30 or plus years between them, welcome to the 21st century.

Fuck You.
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