Sep 13, 2005 13:02
Let me start off by saying that my whole summer was great up until the last two weeks. Those last two weeks really kicked the crap out of me. First off i worked at MagiQuest all summer and it was really fun. I got paid 7.25 an hour just to play a video game. What is more fun then that? Well lets see, this summer for the first time i had females like me and not the other way around. I was approached by enough women to fill up the Circle Theater. But let me just point out the most important ones of my summer in a little segment i'd like to call, The Girls Sly "Fell in Love With" This Summer.
1. Reene Shaw - I met her at "Wild, Water, and Wheels" WaterPark. She was a nice girl with a great smile. I thought we were doing pretty good too. We went to go see Skeleton Key together and had a really fun time. Then we didn't see each other for a while, but we talked on the phone alot. I may admit I may have been a bit foward, but that was only because i really liked her. Anyway we decided to go out one day but her mother wouldn't drive her. Now before i go on i want to point out that every thing i did this night was to see her. I end up getting my buddy Colin to drive us in a little double date thing. We had to go get her all the way in Gardan City and i told Colin that i would pay him back for gas, Damny you Katrina. Anyway I take her to go see Lee Adelstone's Band. Agian thought we were having a good time, we played some pool and hung out. Then she drops the bomb on me, "i don't think we should see each other anymore." Now I have to say this, Guys out there when a woman says this to you never ask why, cause they will be very honest. Of course i know this because i asked. Her reply was, "We don't have that much in common, and i'm used to dateing more spontaneous guys". Now I want to ask all the people who know me, am i not spontaneous enough. All i hear from most of my friends is how spontaneous i am. Anyway i sort of took it badly i don't want to talk about the rest. She was a nice girl and i hope she has a good life. Wait no, no, no, i left out the best part, she calls me the next day and says i shouldn't call her anymore. She totally skiped "We Can Still Be Friends" and went stright to "Screw You." So i thank you for that Reene and i agian i hope you have a great life.
2. Megan ? - This may sound weird but i never met this girl, i must have met her at some point in time because her number was on my phone. Anyway i left her a text messageing thinking she was another Megan. She ends up calling me back and i all nice and wants to talk to me. At first i was like wow this is strange, some random guy leaves you a text message and you want to get to know him. But after talking to her for a while i found that she was a very smart, funny, and all around good girl. And although i've never met her i'm she and i could become good friends. It's a shame she's moving to Austin, Texas. Agian i hope she does alright in the world. Even though i do plan to keep in touch with her.
3. Melissa Warner - I work with this lovely girl at MagiQuest. She's a nice girl, very funny. I had liked her as soon as she started working at MagiQuest and i had asked her out. She turned me down, which wasn't really a shocker at the time. Anyway i forgot about her and dated Reene. After i broke up with Reene, Melissa started showing signs of attraction to me, which was cool, the only problem was i'm way more attracted to Tori Richerdson. I told her this, and i'll have to say she didn't take it so well. I wouldn't change it though i like Tori to much to just switch to Melissa. Anyway I see her every weekend at work and for right now were, being quite king to each other. Who knows how long that will last. I wish the best to her, because it's just a problem that couldn't be solved.
4. Tori Richerdson - I met this lovley lady a long time ago when i took Kara to prom. She was Jamie's date, and I have to admit even then I liked her. We had a good time and I ended up asking her out. Jamie freaked out sort of, and then we thought it would be better to let nature take it's course. Which it did, Jamie very stupidly stoped talking to Tori, where as i would try to talk to her as often as possible. But that still wasn't enough, we had talked about likeing each other, but some things stood in the way. These things will go unsaid but lets just say they were pretty big hurdles. Anyway I couldn't take it anymore really, I didn't want to just sit and talk to Tori it wasn't really what i wanted with her. So we had a convesation and we made up or minds and sort of said "Screw The Hurdles." So i right now were Boyfriend and Girlfriend, Yessssssss. A long term goal was completed, even though our first date was a flop. I told her about my past dates where they would say we'd go out and then after turn me down before the first date. She said she never cancel with me, but only time will tell, i guess. She's a great girl, yes she is.
Now that is just 4 of the girls i met this summer i met many more, but their the only ones who made and impact on me. So i hope that the school year is about as interesting if not more. And i hope that each of them i happy the way they are now, including Tori. Well that all for this one guys. Talk to you later, oh and i'd love to hear what you thought of this, and if you could be honest. Love Ya.
Sly McCoy