Sep 01, 2004 23:05
today I had two classes, a break and then one of the labs that I TA. the day was going fairly well... I had been prepped for the possible lab problems, so I was all over explaining those and what not. I spent my time inbetween when I ate lunch and when I had lab working on recopying/doing the homework that I have due on Friday. then I got to lab and just about before lab started, I realized that I had lost my keys. my keys = apartment key, car key, apartment mail box key, and ND mailroom key. I retraced all my steps, but nothing. then after lab finished, I realized the place that I had more than likely left them in....but they were there and by this time department offices were closed, so I couldn't even check with them. On top of all this, I was supposed to be someone's ride home. anyhow, Cara came and picked up myself and Larry and they came with me to my apartment to wait for the locksmith, then we got ice cream, and then they took me to get my car. every since my key losing realization, I have felt flustered.
the ice cream made my insides explode and I wish that I never got it.
I graded the quizzes that I had given the students, most got both questions right. some got 1.5s and I have one kid 1.75. (the total points for the quiz = 2)
I just finished up my homework for Taylor's class. I know that it's not perfect, but I feel that no matter what I do, he is going to ripped into everyone's homework. you just never know what to do and what to expect for the first homework.
I'm exhausted. I'm gonna email those departments about my missing keys and hit the sack. I want to get up early and run tomorrow and do some errands before going to TA another lab.