Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: potatoes
i heart potatoes-- what can i say though.. im irish.. and german.. both together = potatoes for life!
Literary: Harry Potter books my sescape form the real world.. my summers are lost and the best when there is a new harry potter book out..oh god how i love theeAudiovisual: Movies with excelent music, special effects, and hot guys O:-) explaination really nessesary?
Musical: i heart band? i listen to everything.. i just turn on the radio and drive--
Celebrity: *orli*, Robin williams, heath ledger, and mr.depp ALL amazing actors but orli and heath are juts hot... :-\
Now I tag:-
mishaness theteflonocean whereswaldo56 owowmytoe and
tired_of_liein to complete this same Quiz, Its