(no subject)

Nov 12, 2009 18:13

Work is dull.

Let's write!

current book: I haven't started a book in ages now. I've got a bunch in the closet ready for me to go through, but... Just haven't gotten around to it. Like everything else, I go through my reading phases in spurts. Thick, chunky spurts, before I'm sated and fixate on something else.

current films: I've mostly been watching TV shows lately, and haven't really had the time or patience to sit down and see a full-length movie. I think the last one I did actually watch all the way through was The Wackness.

It's a film about a pot dealer in 1994 New York, and the friendship he strikes up with his therapist/customer Dr. Squires (played FAN-FUCKING-TASTICALLY by Sir Ben Kingsley). At the same time, this unpopular teenager has just graduated high school and is juggling a crumbling home life, pressure about his upcoming college trip, bleak despair at the life waiting for him after it, and his first major love with his therapist's step-daughter.

It's... I squirm in my chair with delight just thinking about it. I really did love it. I would like to buy it. It's beautiful and sad and bittersweet. It's a coming of age story not just for the 18 year old boy but also for the 50 year old man as they both watch their worlds falling down around them. It's wonderful. When they smiled, I smiled. When they cried, I nearly cried. It just sucked me in. I highly recommend it.

current shame-inducing guilty pleasure: I had gay sex last night.

...with an elven rogue, in my video game. You get a trophy you can show off on the Playstation Network for every party member that you successfully take to bed! Which mean (after deciding that I didn't want to wait until I started over as a female hero) that I had to spend about twenty minutes bribing the bi-curious elf with gifts and choosing all the dirtiest conversation options for him. He finally got the clue that I wanted to raid his poop dungeon.

Yay! Trophy! And maybe digital crabs.

current color: Black. Like my soul.

current link: An interesting read on how some people mistakenly imagine that porn sex is a good educator for real sex. Probably frat boys, I'm thinking.

current fetishes: Boob sandwiches.

current song: I read an online blurb earlier about bad movies that are being made, and someone mentioned that they're making a Baywatch film. Really? Baywatch? This isn't the early 90's anymore, we don't need to turn to tight red swimsuits to get our chubbies. We have pornpaper.net and youporn.com and stuff, people. So, yeah, now I've got that stupid song in my head.

current outfit: Cowboy boots and a smile.

current drink: Diet Coke. As always. Mmmmm, my sweet mistress.

current food: I had some pizza pockets for lunch. Cheap, easy, quick and tasty. Just the way I like my women food.

current wish list: Well, I know that my Christmas List is going to include a hell of a lot of video games. I've still got my gift card for my birthday saved up for one, but naturally there's also Dragon Age: Origins, if I can resist the temptation to buy it before Christmas. Or before the end of the week. As well, there's Assassin's Creed II and Uncharted 2 that I want to own. And probably even more coming out in the next month or two I'll want to eat up with a spoon. I just love video games. Interactive stories? Bright, pretty graphics and thrilling fights? I eat that stuff up with a spoon. I'm a nerd.

current triumphs: Aside from tapping virtual ass? Well, I'm not dead.

current bane of my existence: My right earlobe has at least two freaking pimples on it. I don't know why. It disgusts and infuriates me. My left one is fine, but my right one is swelling up and starting to look like it belongs to the Elephant Man. Hrmph.

current celebrity crush: I'm still hung up on Claudia Black today. Mmmm. As soon as I finish this game I'm playing I'm hoping to pick up Uncharted 2, and she's in that one as well! Oh, her seductive accent is like a tongue on my earlobe. The non-hideous one.

current indulgence: The tears of newborn orphans.

current excitement: Not much, except that tonight is Thursday. My favorite night of TV. Community, Parks and Recreation, The Office and 30 Rock, as well as needing to find a way to get my Supernatural fix in there too. I just love a couple manly bros driving an Impala to classic rock, shooting ghosts with rock salt shotguns.

current picture:

That is all.
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