(no subject)

Jan 09, 2009 18:34

So, as of Monday Morning, the computer issues are fixed.

I'm not saying fixed as in the sense that I hooked up the old computer and there was an explosion of magical pixie dust that restored all my missing files. Rather, fixed as in the sense that I got a new computer. And thanks to the magic of my new digital camera, I can even show it off!

As a side note, right before the old computer crashed I had uploaded some photos from Christmas Day onto it off my digicam. This is upsetting as I had deleted them off the camera at the same time, and when the computer blew out twenty minutes later I had lost them. I didn't really have many photos or anything, but I had taken a picture of the morning sun streaming through the frosted glass of the front door onto the living room, highlighting presents and stuff, and it was a very pretty picture. I was actually quite proud of it. But bam! Lost. Feh.

So, instead, here are the far less impressive first images off my camera. On the left is the old computer, with the case hauled off as at the time my sister's boyfriend was sticking a new hard drive in to test the system (to no avail). On the right, the big honking new system I upgraded to:

Yes, notice my Burger King and Iron Man bobbleheads. I don't even really like Iron Man, although the movie was awesome and that came with it as a birthday gift. I do have a slight fondness for bobbleheads. But not that one. The head barely bobbles!

It cost about 1100$ in total. That was including the computer, the monitor that came with it as part of the sale (which I upgraded from a 20" to a 22"), and a three year warranty. I never bought a warranty on the old computer, but this time I know better. I also got a new mouse, but it was too small and didn't fit the hand as comfortably as the old one, so I just kept that.

I switched up from 2GB of RAM to 4GB, doubled the memory space (which I plan to get a portable hard drive to back up later on anyway), a faster processor and a much better graphics card. Compared with the badass HD Monitor (I didn't even know they made them in widescreen format now), porn has never looked so good. BOOBIES R SHINY. There's also Vista on it instead of XP, but so far it hasn't given me any problems. I don't follow tech wars well enough to know why I should hate it or what.

As for the data... Eh. I've been working to restore everything, reinstalling my video games and getting my bittorrents and movies re-downloading, and the most recent backups I actually had for the comp were on CDs. CDs. From 2005. So most of my porn with deep, sentimental value remains! It's just a lot of the newer stuff I'm missing.

Music is... Ugh. I'll have to copy the music off my MP3 player and stick it back on the computer, but in the meantime I did have about 4 CDs worth of music files. Only problem being that the vast majority of it seems to be stuff I had gotten tired of and deleted off my computer ages ago to pave way for new songs, and I don't know which ones I had erased and which ones I should keep.

I mean, I load up Media Player and start sorting through it all, and it's like "Oh. I have three versions of a trance mix called Castles In The Sky... Fuck. Which version did I keep?" Or "Deep Inside Of You by Third Eye Blind... God. Did I delete this? I don't know if I want to! Nostalgia is clouding my discriminating tastes!"

Anyway, yeah. Typing this from work, right now, as I'm bored and I couldn't score one of the computers that play videos correctly. Only about half of the machines in the office don't have the firewalls operating like firenazis and blocking every single .wmv or flash file. I am unable to watch South Park between calls, and may actually have to open my book and read a few chapters of Survivor. What a world, what a world.

Or, you know, customers might start to actually call in.

But we don't want that.
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