Quito again briefly, and El Mitad del Mundo

Feb 25, 2013 22:03

We skipped hotel breakfast again this morning in favor of coffee and chuleros down the street. At the coffee place we greeted another patron while we waited. His little daughter was holding a small plush Seattle Seahawks toy, which I commented on. It turns out the guy is visiting home from Seattle, where he lives and works. We chatted briefly, and he rejoined his family across the street.

Picking up some rolls on the way, we got on the bus to Quito, one of our most convenient bus-boarding experiences yet. The bus was pulling away, they stopped and hopped out to see if we were going to Quito, opened the under-bus luggage, stated ours inside, and ushered us on. The bus began to drive away even as we sat down on plush seats in a nearly empty bus, already showing a James Bond film from the 80s. This happened a couple more times as we left town, for other passengers, but all in all, very smooth.

So smooth, in fact, that we were in Quito before we'd quite realized it. We were 3 hours earlier than expected to our hostal, the Magic Bean guesthouse in the Mariscal. Big thanks to our walk/dinner friends from 2 nights ago, Bob & Gayle, who suggested it. There are only 4 rooms on site, and they're big and clean. The bathroom is reminiscent of the 80's, but we're very pleased.

After checking in, we took a series of buses out of town to visit El Mitad del Mundo, the park and monument incorrectly marking the equator. Honestly, it was pretty stupid, but we probably wold have kicked ourselves had we not done it. We acted silly and got photos of us straddling the line, and kissing over it as well, but most of them were on Matt's camera, so not here.

Even though the park was dumb, we were glad to relax a little with nothing to do. We enjoyed some ice cream, north of the line. For the record, the only times we've actually crossed the equator have been flying here in the first place, going to Otavalo, and returning from Otavalo. But whatever. We also went to the monument.

On our way there, my phone rang. I answered it, and it was Jose, our host from our first few days in Quito! It was great to hear from him, and he wondered when we old b back in town. I felt a little bad, since we are already here and I hadn't thought to get in touch, but up until yesterday we thought we might go to Mindo instead. Unfortunately, he had other plans, so wasn't able to join us for a drink tonight. It was still really nice to hear from him.

Anyway, after our visit to the fake equator, we took the bus back and rested a littl while here in the room, before going out for dinner. Then we came back, hung out n the restaurant downstairs for a while with cocktails, and are back in bed.

The restaurant outside is playing music really loudly, but otherwise it's quiet. I'll need earplugs unless it turns off soon.

It doesn't matter too much, though. Our agenda for our remaining 2 days is pure relaxation. We're going to Papallacta and just lounging around for the entire time!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Juan Leon Mera,Quito Canton,Ecuador
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