Things to be really happy about:
1. My Florence + the Machine addiction. Like, I know I should start listening to something else soon, but right now I just. It's hard. Almost half of my new icon keywords are Florence + the Machine. It is becoming a problem.
2. Slayers. Which is still awesome. And, and, I just. It is so fucking good, guys. You need to watch it because okay, sure, the animation is pretty old and the character designs are ... weird but it has strong ladies and great humor and, honest to god, a fantastic dub. And all the characters are fantastic. And everyone has subtext with everyone. Like, I ship everyone/everyone even though I have preferences like Xellos/Filia which, honestly, makes me want to write fic. I'm going to write fic for Slayers aren't I?
3. Baccano! which. OMFG GUYS. Like, I have not loved an anime series so fucking much in such a long time like the voice acting and the animation and the characters and. Everything. The dub is perfect and I don't think I could listen to the sub if my life depended on it. It's perfect and the accents are great and the emotion and it's just. Wow. The storytelling in Baccano! is pretty fantastic too. I love how nonlinear it is, and I love how absurd it can be while being deadly serious. I almost feel like Baccano! would be a good in for people who don't like anime and. Dude, I haven't liked anime this much in like, four years, but between Slayers and Baccano! I think I am getting back into anime. Which makes sense because I love animation but. Yes. So anime recs would be good.
4. My fic did really well in
goblinmarket_sw. Which I'm not sure if I'm allowed to reveal it was my fic since a couple people in the shipwar proper might see this, but since the voting's passed I don't see what the deal it. I just. I felt pretty awful that my fic got chosen because I have no self-confidence and then it came in second and people gave me such wonderful comments. I was grinning pretty much all day.
5. I went on a roadtrip with
stormantia which was nice. Actually
stormantia is basically the most awesome person in the world. Anyone who knows her is so lucky, because she is awesome.
6. I've put together my Scott Pilgrim costume and fuck do I love Bryan Lee O'Malley for creating ladies I can reasonably cosplay. This is the first time I have ever done this but I am super-excited for all I feel like even more of a nerd than I already was. All that's left is to possibly find some plastic swords.
Man, sorry if this was incoherent at all. It is almost seven and I have to be up by ten and. Wow. I am just kind of going batty right now. I think it's because I was really, really sad and now I'm feeling pretty damn happy and I just don't want to go to sleep because I always have freaky-ass dreams.
I should not write LJ entries at 6:30 in the morning, huh?