you don't mean it but it hurts like hell

Aug 17, 2008 04:13

Today worked sucked. I was slicing onions. They burned my eyes. Then I sliced my thumb open with a knife while slicing the onions. Bonus: I got onion goo in the cut in my thumb. It was pretty shitty.

This? This is why I don't update this thing too much. Did watch De-Lovely with Kelli. It's an amazing film, really. Cole Porter led a fascinating life, Kevin Kline played Porter very well, and it was artistic and beautiful without being stupidly pretentious. Watch it.

And, stolen from lovin_torture I have
01. How many people do you know in person from your friends list?

02. Who are they? How do you know them? When did you last meet or talk?
aeirol. Erin. One of my first friends at Denison. We last talked via AIM a couple days ago, and we last met about last month.
eibheall. Rachel. One of my other good friends at Denison. Last talked via Facebook, but we last saw each other on my last day of classes.
genericpersona. Amy. A close friend of mine I've known since elementary school. Last talked on AIM a couple nights ago, last saw each other either late June or early July.
lystellion. Jacob. One of my very, very close friends. We last spoke with one another on Friday, and last saw each other at the end of May.
psychosis19. Rachel. Steady friend from high school. Last saw her at Deena's belt test in December. Last talked, briefly, on the phone on Friday.
slobofstone. Deena. Friend from high school, met via Sarah. Last saw her at Megan's birthday party, and I think that's the last time I spoke to her as well.
soujiokita. Jenny. A good friend of mine I met in middle school. We watched movies together in June and we correspond via LJ mostly nowadays.
stormantia. Kelli. My best friend who I met freshman year of high school. We last hung out about two hours ago. Just took her home.

03. If you could meet ONE person from your friends list, who would it be and why?
Of the people I've yet to meet? cadenza354 most likely. She's been a great friend and something of a mentor to me since I was young and foolish and fourteen. Of all the people I know, I admire and respect Gina the most and I'd like nothing more than to meet her some day.

04. Who is the 6th and 9th person listed on your friends list? Who are they and why are they on your friends list?
6. cadenza354. Gina. We met on the IYNF, where I was eventually a moderator and Gina was as well. We both played the viola. That was seriously how we started talking.
9. donkey. A forum friend, also from the same forum, though I've gotten to know her better since the forum times of yesteryear I think.

05. Pick a song that reminds you of person #8.
cup_kun -- C'mon C'mon by the Von Bondies. If you asked me why I couldn't tell you, but them is true facts right there them is.

06. How well do you know the last person listed on your friends list?
weiss_badfics is a badfic journal I started watching years ago and that is relatively inactive right now, so the question really isn't applicable.

07. List two - three people from your friends list that you talk to the most.
1. stormantia
2. lystellion
3. aeirol

08. What do you have in common with the first person?
Oh christ ... high school, interests in literature, history & art, we're writing a novel together, we're doing a webcomic together, working at the zoo last year, HOLiC, Storm Hawks, Avatar, Robin Hood, Firefly, Project Runway, a very hearty handful of movies, love of animation in general but Disney specifically, similar taste in music, a burning hatred of C-SPAN, &c.

09. Who blogs the most on your friends list?
soujiokita or lovin_torture depending on the day.

10. Is there someone on your friends list that you wish WASN'T on your friends list?
Er, no. If I didn't want someone on my f-list I'd remove them.

11. Are you one of those people that do constant friends list cuts because people aren't COOL enough for you?
Nope. I've never cut anyone. Which is why I still have journals that have been dead for about two years.

12. Have you ever been cut from someone's friends list? Were you angry?
I don't think so? Well, once, but it was quickly resolved. And yes, I was vaguely angry, less out of hurt pride and more because it seemed personal and childish? But that's done and past and was well over two, possibly three years ago.

13. Do you have a free or paid account? Did you pay for it?
Paid. And yes, I did pay for it.

14. Do you expect people to read and comment on ALL your entries?
Of course not. I write my entries conscious that other people may read them, but come down to it I am writing my entries for myself, not for other people. I'm actually surprised if anyone bothers to comment on my entires at all. I'm not exactly fascinating as far as characters on the internet go.

15. Do you read all of your friends' journals?
If I have the time yes, though I only comment when I have something to add that I feel is truly constructive. (Unless the post is completely related to a fandom I know nothing about & then I usually don't see the point in reading the post).

16. Share memories linked to someone that is dear to you:
I don't quite understand the question.

17. Is there someone you'd like to spend the rest of your life with?
On LJ or in general? It's a ridiculous question regardless of how you phrase it. There are several people I know right now who I never want to lose contact with, but there's no one with whom I'm like oh my god I love you forever you must give me babies and then we can have a house with a white picket fence and it will be perfect no rly. I am nineteen years old, thank you.

18. Someone you aren't friends with anymore and miss.
Are we talking in general, or on LJ? LJ no one in particular. In general loads of people -- some from high school, some from middle school, and some from various orchestra trips and camps and such. See, when I was a lass we didn't have this convenience called "Facebook" to keep track of people with.

19. Who is the last person who added you? And who last removed you?
I ... have no idea who last added me, nor do I have any idea who last removed me. Someone with a defunct journal?

20. What are the tags you used the most?
college, introspection, literature, friends, rants, reality, stupid, wasting time

21. What are the tags you used the least?
Useless things like "should've quit while I was ahead" and "Sondheim is god?" I've got a lot of tags like this.

22. What are the tags of your most favorite entry?
I ... don't have a favorite entry. Also, using "most" in front of "favorite" sounds ridiculous.

23. What are your favorite tags?
no I am not on meth thanks, I am a sappy loserface, hell is food service mr. sartre, &c. &c.

24. Have you added back all the users who added you?
It's not like I get people randomly adding me all that often. If they comment or give me some kind of sign as to why they might have added me then yes. If they never comment I usually don't, just because I don't really see the point? It's not like my journal is even close to friends only.

25. Do you use custom groups? If so, how many do you have?
For locking entries? Yes, and six.

26. How many interests have you listed? Are some of them listed by you only? If so, which?
93 interests. Some are listed by only me. They are: (all that) jazz, advanced studies in slacking, internet colloquialisms, memespam, multi-syllabic nouns, my pal shostakovich, overdone fantasy, pseudo book snobbery, that used book smell, understated prose, utterly useless information.

27. Which are your favorite interests?
"Wasting time" and "advanced studies in slacking." Why? Because these succinct phrases effectively define my work ethic or lack thereof.

28. How many communities have you joined? Do you check all of them?
I've joined 27 communities, and I check a good amount of them, but not all.

29. Your lj stats.
Account type: Paid Account, expiring 2008-12-23
Date created: 2005-09-29 06:20:56
Date updated: 2008-08-13 08:39:47, 23 hours ago
Journal entries: 490
Comments: Posted: 2,505 - Received: 2,251

30. Lastly, tag five people on your friends list:

You guys should do it. It's cool.

+films, * i have a meme problem okay?, life: friends, work: hell is food service sartre, work: livin' on a prayer

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