My stand!

Jul 27, 2004 00:33

Stolen from ceydran

Abortion?:I don't like it. There are alot of nice people who would make great parents yet cannot have kids and adoption could provide that Maybe if she were raped by her uncle and the kid would be retarded or she is going to die if they don't abort, but, eh... Death Penalty?:An eye for an eye only makes the world blind. Prostitution?:Eeew. Here's your syphillis! Would you like fries with that? Alcohol?:Moderation, people, moderation! Marijuana?:It smells good, other than that, no thank you. Other drugs?:Whatever floats your boat as long as you don't sell/give to children and try to pressure people not into them into doing them. Gay marriage?:Triangle Rainbow lovages!! All for it! ^_^ Illegal immigrants?:Do the paperwork and persue happines, but don't refuse to work and then mooch off of our welfare system! Smoking?:I don't smoke, but it doesn't really bother me if others want to. It's your lungs, after all. Drunk driving?:Two words: Designated Driver. Cloning?:I've always wanted to be my own best friend! Racism?:Don't hate people. Afer all, beneath the skin and bone and muscle, our guts are all the same color. Premarital sex?:Just be careful... Do your research on who you're planning on shacking up with and take the proper precautions before engaging in the horizontal tango. Religion?:I don't like orginized religion, but whatever you want to believe in. The war in Iraq?:A waste of effort, resources, money and lives... just a waste. Bush?:...something my dog pees on? Oh, you mean the president. Tell him to stop the stupid war already! Downloading music?:We record songs off the radio, don't we? I mean, I used to as a kid. So, what's the difference? The legal drinking age?:It should be 18. If your old enough to go to war and die for your country, you're damn well old enough to have a fucking beer. Porn?:Yes, please! Oh, wait... You want to know where I stand on it. As long as it's not child porn, I say go for it! Suicide?:A cowardly way out. I don't feel sorry for the person who commits suicide. I feel sorry for the people he/she left behind.
What is your stand on..... brought to you by BZOINK!

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