Mar 28, 2005 11:38
Yar, haven't been here in like ever... Only person I know on LJ is Chez and Kat. And I barely talk to either person. I haven't seen Chez since Halloween and Kat I don't even want to talk to her. Let's do a brief over veiw of my life.
It's decent.
OK, I'm done. I have a xanga site that I update like it's a dimebag of crack that I'm sniffing. Plus I have deviantart, which kicks ass cuz it has my poems on it and stuff.
Well Jav has called me in two days. Crappy ass boyfriend. I miss you dumbass. OK, so I might know the root reason of why he doesn't call me. But that's ok. I'm decently nice to him so he should call... now... *sniff*
Yar, I'm sad.
But you wanna know what's sadder? People who think they know what goth is. Goth does not equal buying tons of clothes from hot topic. Goth does not equal Marilyn Manson though he is a cool person. He is Industrial music. Not very good music either. Goth is not being depressed and cutting your wrists. That's emo shit. Tha's pathetic. Goth is Sixouse & the Banshees, Sisters of Mercy, The Bauhuas.... and many other post punk bands. Goth is dark romantic and dark comedy. Not depressed, just a little on the dark side. Here's 5 dollars assholes, go to Kmart buy yourself a clue. Suburban dumbasses.